Hi, Gary:
There are two conversations / questions going on at once, which is making this a bit confusing.
First – the issue that caused me to rise from my stupor and respond on these forums – was a question (accusation?) that there is some kind of “blacklisting” of strategies on the main Leaderboard page – i.e. that strategies that should be visible on the leaderboard are not, due to some nefarious plot to keep worthy strategies hidden and keep good men down. To that accusation, I explained that: No, it’s not a malicious “blacklisting,” – rather it’s just the case that the main Leaderboard is mostly determined by the official “C2Score,” and that C2Score formula, while not explicitly public at this time, is merely my best effort to make a general-purpose ranking methodology that works for a majority of this site’s users.
The other issue, which was the first one you raised in this thread, is that you are seeing different results between the following two screens: 1) the “scoring workbench” screen, where you, as a formula developer, can look at interim/live results of your formula, so that you can tweak it in a dynamic way; and 2) the “public” custom leaderboard screen, where members of the public can view the results of that formula in the form of a “custom leaderboard.”
The explanation for this second issue is a bit technical. There may be more than one thing going on, but probably the most important important thing that you should be aware of is that “public” leaderboards are pre-built and cached on a periodic basis (once or twice per day). So it’s quite possible, particularly if your score formula is heavily dependent on a stat that changes frequently and is very variable (such as AUM), that the live developer preview you see looks quite different than the static/semi-frozen cached Custom Leaderboard, which changes, at most, once or twice per day.
There may be some other, secondary things going on (private vs non-private; has strategy manager paid for a Trade Leader plan)… but to be honest I haven’t investigated in great detail, mainly because I think the main source of the differences between private-developer-preview results vs public cached leaderboard results is the fact that the public results are cached periodically, to keep the site responsive.
If there’s a particular strategy that you think absolutely must appear on your custom leaderboard, but never does, day in and day out; and that this can’t possibly be due to caching, please ping me and let me know, and me or one of my teammates can try to debug what is happening beneath the hood.