The opinions expressed in these forums do not represent those of C2, and any discussion of profit/loss
is not indicative of future performance or success.
There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider
whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. You should read,
understand, and consider the Risk Disclosure Statement that is provided by your broker
before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
I guess you didn’t perceive the irony in my question.
Every day you have a new set of focus items, yet none of the data seems to be actionable since you’ve only made two trades in two months.
If your predictions were really any good, you would have gone short the equities on March 6 when your focus was on Challenger Job Cut Report, Initial Jobless Claims, Consumer Credit, and Money Supply. Instead you stayed in your single trade and incurred a drawdown of over 8% which could have gotten nasty in short order, since everything was banking on a single trade working out in your favor.
You’re not really employing a “model” are you?
I think a diversified portfolio would probably be best for you in the long term.
Thank you for your feedback. Two points to be made, and you are correct on both fronts.
First, the model has only made 2 trades at this time. If your definition of actionable is that trades MUST be triggered, then yes you are right. The way the model works, sometimes a lot of new information results in the decision to not trade (this could be considered actionable—in other words, the action to not act…I know, sounds oxymoronic…but it’s a decision, nonetheless).
Onto the second point, yes you are right again that a short-position on March 6th would have reduced the drawdown and increased the return.
To directly answer your question, yes there is a model. But it may not make as many trades or be as diversified or match exactly the desired characteristics of your own risk/return profile. Apologies in advance, but am happy to chat over the phone in more detail if you desire.
Now, admittedly, the line between cynicism and trollishness is a fine one, and I may get it wrong on occasion.
But I find nothing particularly wrong with NiravMehta3’s commentary. It’s not my cup of tea, sure; but very little is.
Mark and Zebra, you have both posted that you don’t find Nirav’s posts useful or actionable, and that is fine. Now you can mute or ignore any further posts in this thread. But others may not mind it, so no need for further piling on.
I’m trying to make this forum a friendlier place. Less bad juju. More peace, love, and acceptance.
(But I still wish death to spam about r0lex watches and V!agra.)
Today, our focus is on MBA Mortgage Applications, Durable Goods, Producer Price Index, Atlanta Fed’s Business Inflation Expectations, and E-Commerce Retail Sales.
Care to take a 2-3 day vote to see if C2 members mind this or not? At minimum, it would be interesting. These constant posts, coupled with 2 trades in 2 months amounts to trolling on his part, at least that’s what I think most would vote.
I’m trying to make the forums here at C2 a more friendly, less trollish place.
Asking people to vote on whether they like someone’s posts in a forum is like asking a mob to vote on whether or not to stone a witch. The verdict is pre-ordained; and it’s not justice, regardless of the outcome.
It should work both ways. The Trade Leader’s almost daily posts lacking content is neither friendly or just to the readers of the forum. It is self-serving only to push him to the top of the queue. Mark approached him in a friendly and professional manner.
Today, our focus is on Empire State Manufacturing Survey, Industrial Production, Consumer Sentiment, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, Baker-Hughes Rig Count, and Treasury International Capital.