Where is the ITM for this new view of my subscribed system? How am I going to get the trade signals?

New Dashboard Page - Autotrade Live Feeds == ITM

Have no clue how to do this - am trying but don’t see Autotrade Live Feeds. There may be a signal coming in right now and I’ll miss it. Very user unfriendly.

Would very much appreciate some subscriber support on this issue. Are you requiring us all to auto-trade?

Hi Mark,

You and I may be the only people left who still use the ITM. MK indicated he was not supporting it anymore. I did find a workaround for now. Try this URL after you have logged into C2:

You’ll need to replace the “xxxxxxxx” with the ID of the system you subscribe to.

Hope this helps.


Sorry, Mark. I gave you bad info. Use the “LIVE FEEDS” area on the new dashboard. It replaces ITM. There is a video describing how to do it:

I know Gary’s heart is in the right place, but the best answer is to use the new dashboard’s Live Feeds since the workaround Gary is posting will not be functional for much longer. The Live Feeds is equivalent to the ITM. (Audio alerts aside - and these are coming.)

You are wrong Matthew. I click on the system I’m subscribed to, per the video help instructions under LIVE FEED, and there is NO button on the top navigation for Autotrade Live Feeds. IT IS NOT ENABLED MATTHEW! Please fix by tomorrow morning so I can get my signals. I could potentially lose a lot of money.

Gary, thanks. Since Autotrade Live Feeds isn’t enabled for my system, I will use this workaround and hope Matthew will heed our voices and keep the feature around.


Mark - If you are not AutoTrading, there is no AutoTrade Live Feeds. There is simply "System Live Feeds."

Click on the right-hand-arrow icon to the right of a system on your My Systems area, then select System Live Feed. I’ll send you a screenshot to demonstrate.

Yeah, I disappointed that we’ve lost the Audio alerts. It’s a major drawback for me.

The Autotrade Live Feeds is not the same as the ITM.
Does it have the Audio alert feature?
I don’t care about cosmetics, but if make changes to remove useful functionality to the site, I would say, when something is working well, it’s better not to make changes.

I miss the ITM too since I manually trade one of my subscribed systems. I could always leave the ITM up and receive an immediate audio alarm and well as immediate visual details specific to the trade signal.