New TOS TOOL - Alert us when Trading Real Capital Starts

Hello C2 Community and @ MatthewKleinstrong text

I see that from time to time trade leaders that I trust create new strategies which are TOS (Trade On Strategy with real capital) and I would like to be alerted of that by email or maybe have an extra filter to see that quickly.


Is there a way to get an email alert when new TOS strategies appear on C2? For me its valuable to know TOS Managers Market View and Current Position. Maybe a recurring blog post giving head ups on TOS with less than 4 weeks of TrackRecord can solve the issue if others are having the same need.

For example, The manager of R Option this month published two new TOS: An Intraday Futures Strategy and an Option Strategy, It can save me and others time of constant research to find new TOS.



Is there someone else that can find this valuable? Please give feedback…


Hi @Mar20,

you posted this in the C2E forum so I’ll reply with a C2E query I find useful for discovering TOS strategies. Some of the stats are commented out because the query ‘blows up’ if the stat doesn’t exist for a strategy.

var tosSystems = (from item in C2STATS
where item.StatName == “ownerAutoTradesPcnt”
where item.StatValueVal >= 50
select item.SystemId).ToList();

var sysStats = new List();
foreach (var id in tosSystems) {

var sys = C2SYSTEMS.Where(s=>s.SystemId==id).First();
var stats = C2STATS.Where(stat=>stat.SystemId==id);

sysStats.Add( new {
Id = id,
Name = sys.SystemName,
Tos = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“ownerAutoTradesPcnt”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
Age = (DateTime.Now - sys.Started).Days,
Trades = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“numtrades”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
Class = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“trades”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueChar).First(),
//SubsAll = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“numSubsAll”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
//SubsNow = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“numSubsNow”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
AnnReturn = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“jAnnReturn”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
ProfitFactor = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“profitFactor”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
//Sharpe = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“jSharpe”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
//Sortino = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“jSortino”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
//Calmar = stats.Where(stat=>stat.StatName==“jCalmar”).Select(stat=>stat.StatValueVal).First(),
