New TradeStation Interface - Beta Testers Needed

Hello, C2 Members-

If you are currently using TradeStation to enter your signals into your C2 system, or are thinking of doing so, I’d like to ask for your help. We just released our new C2/TradeStation interface, and we want to put it through some real-world testing.

Here’s the good news. The new C2/TS interface does not require you to download or run any special software on your computer. So if you’ve ever been frustrated by having to keep that weird little c2tray.exe helper application running in your “Tray area,” this new version is for you.

The bad new is that… well, it may not actually work. We think it does, really we do, and we have put it through the usual rigorous C2 Testing Process that you are all familiar with. (Hats off to William, our office janitor, for giving it a try between sessions swabbing down the C2 bathrooms.)

Anyway, if you’re willing to test it, I will welcome your help. As a reward to intrepid system developers willing to use the new C2/TS interface, I will give a free system listing period for any system (existing or not-yet-in-existence). The conditions are: you actually have to use the new TS interface for some reasonable period of time, and you need to report any problems or weirdness, and work with our developers to iron them out. Sound fair?

At least for the initial test period, please do not use the interface on any system that has subscribers or autotraders. I’m really looking for someone who just wants to give it a try in a low-risk setting. If you are willing and interested, I’ll even create a “test system” you can use during the test period.

The only complication I need to point out here is that you can’t run the old TradeStation interface alongside the new TradeStation interface. It’s an either-or proposition.

If testing the new interface is something you can do, please see the documentation here:

… and please let me know you are willing to participate in the test, and with which system. I can make a regular system into a test system for you, for the period of this test, if you like; so let me know if you want that done as well.


I forgot to mention: if you want to participate, email me at matthew at

Does it also work with multicharts?

I am currently a TS developer and using TS for my signal generation. Happy to help with this beta.

Please help if you can. This is not involving the beta test. My TradeStation signals sometimes go through correctly and sometimes don’t. With @CD and @AD my TS Workspace is named correctly with _s=@ADU0 and C2 actually opens a position for @AD with no price. It did it with @CD a few days ago also. Other signals work OK. Any suggestions?