Ninjatrader Question

I am interested in using NinjaTrader to send signals to C2. I currently use Open ECry and wish there was a way to send them via OEC.

With Ninja, do I also need to purchase some sort of data feed or can I just purchase Ninja to send the signals to C2?


And a follow up question - has anyone tried to use OpenTick for the data source into Ninja with success? Obviously a free data feed would be nice, but I’m wondering how reliable that free feed is.


I downloaded OpenTick and Ninja to test it out on the YM. I can pull up a Chart and Control Center in Ninja and see live, real-time YM movements. When I try to pull up a YM DOM though, there is nothing.

So it looks like OpenTick is getting into Ninja, but I need to know if there’s a way to push this data into the DOM or not. I have no problem purchasing Ninja and OpenTick, but want to make sure this connection works before doing so.

If someone could direct me on how to get a Ninja DOM to operate under the OpenTick YM data, it would be appreciated.


Have you tried emailing