Presenting HistoryRepeatsItself

Dear Members,

Presenting my strategy HistoryRepeatsItself- currently 3rd in the grid with a performance of %140 return during last 180 days.

50% draw down, margin calls due to leverage. Martingale down on most losing trades.

Good luck.


I think your analysis doesn’t reflect what this system has accomplished so far. Your analysis is quite incomplete and unfair. I suggest you watching closely coming months’ returns.

Agree with @OSUTIA. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain would not be pleased with this approach to trading, more suited to goblins or trolls.


Let the time decides…

@v1Trader you have three systems here and even The Goblin King wouldn’t invest a penny in any of them…lol… :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed, my three systems are quite drawn down at this moment in time, mired in the depths beneath the Misty Mountains… oh wait, that’s the Great Goblin, not Jareth the Goblin King. And yes, we must let the time decides.

@v1Trader you got me at Great Goblin - I must admit. Although a great fan, I’ve read the book when I was 16, exactly 20 years ago, from a Turkish translation copy back then :slight_smile: Cheers !

Did you do backtest? If you did for how many years?

Many traders can provide excellent back tests with low DD and high return but in reality, how many traders that shows excellent back test can thrive in here with real subscribers for long periods. The real test for any systems is, how real subscribers survive in that system and give at least 6 months to see the progress. Any systems that has huge DD for example 50% without real followers , an investor should realize what kind of risk is he facing.

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Well, My trades show really good profit not only on backtest but by trading real money. Sometimes backtest will not work because the market did not digest the real money you are planning to invest, so on paper it will work fine, but in reality will not do good at all.
That is why some people call it risk management.

I’ll keep on updating the performance of my system HistoryRepeatsItself here. A solid %24.5 gain in the October so far (as of the end of the second work-week). This will be the 6th consecutive month in a row with a positive return. The strategy is currently ranked 3rd, based on % return in both last 90 days and 180 days criteria which are %105 and ~%170 respectively. Regards and wish you a good weekend!

[UPDATE: October 2019 - HistoryRepeatsItself]
The strategy has closed October with a 31,2% gain. This will be the 6th consecutive month in a row with a positive return. The strategy is currently ranked 2nd , based on % return in 180 days criteria which is ~232%. All time change is 103% and strategy has finally started to be ranked in top 100 and currently has a #76 C2 ranking.
The strategy has enjoyed the volatility in commodity markets during this period as well as it has enjoyed some firsts as it has traded 17 trades in real-life brokerage accounts. Way to go! Best regards!

If you dial up the max drawdown on basically any strategy will have insane returns too… that’s how trading systems work. Generally want to have under 30% max drawdown, no one wants to have 50% drawdown…

This seems like a regular overleveraged strategy to me. Blowout imminent.

You can check it from the system’s page, that the average leverage is 4,80 which is quite humble compared to those systems whose faith is “blowout imminent”. In the system’s FAQ you can see the real reason behind the DD. Regards.

[UPDATE: March 2020 - HistoryRepeatsItself ]
After a bad start for 2020 in January, the strategy managed to make solid gains in February and March: 24.0% and 21% respectively. The strategy ranks currently #25 in top 4.1% C2 strategies with an annualized return of 116% and with an all time return of 180%.
During these crazy times, I wish health and peace for everyone. Stay home & safe.
Best regards.

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Really ?

The US stock market (as measured by the S&P500) lost almost 50% of its value in the year 2008 alone, and yet people are still buying and selling stocks.

How do you explain that ?


What a great observation I’ve maintained a 8% draw down for eight months. I’ve been having a tough week and I don’t think I can maintain a 8% dd. forever. If somebody told me I could make 50% a year with a 40% drawdown I would take that. Perhaps a C2 re-education campaign Is in order. Get on it Matt.

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I’m sure all those people wanted 50% dd that sounds realistic. Any funds that replicate the index have literally no value why would someone pay me to do the same shit as the index

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My dear friend, most money managers and mutual funds cannot even replicate the index, let alone beat it.