Scaling Seems Incorrect on TOS C2Broker Account

I am AutoTrading my own strategy at a measly 5% scale factor. What I am confused about is that in my real C2Broker account all share counts are essentially equal to 5% times (Hypothetical Share Count) rounded down to the nearest integer. So, for example a positions that has 342 shares in the hypothetical account has 17 shares, 342*0.05 = 17.1 which is rounded down to 17. That is how many shares I have in my C2Broker account. However, the two positions below, which happen to be the smallest by share count, have 1 share each in my C2Broker account even though by the same calculations they should have 3 shares at least. Can someone please explain to me what is going on or fix this? I have checked an there are no sync filters against these ETFs. Also, it has had plenty of time to sync.

Here are the positions in the hypothetical account.

Here are the positions in the real C2Broker account which is scaled at 5%. I believe both share counts should be higher. Also, I have plenty of cash in the account. I have received no sync error messages or emails regarding these.


Back then on June 12, you had 2% scaling, so 1 share was correct then. Later, you changed your scalign to 5%. The position was not readjusted by autosync because the 2 share difference was smaller than the minimum position delta of 3 shares required to sync. We do this because at most brokers, each order ticket incurs a brokerage fee and we want to avoid making clients getting charged for very small autosync quantities.

But C2 Broker is commission free so this rule should not apply. We will modify our logic to autosync very small quantities at C2 Broker.

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Okay I figured it might be something like that. Thank you for the explanation. That makes perfect sense.