I currently run only one strategy: conservProfit at 50% scaling. Autotrading is enabled on IB through the C2 service, with full syncing. What I noticed a few times (also yesterday) is that sometimes incorrect trades are made that are then later correct through syncing.
This is visible in the picture below:
What the strategy did was: to buy positions in a series of 20.000 chunks. everyone but the last one was handled correctly (it seems) and translated into a 10,000 chunk buy (I am only showing here the last two). However, the very last went through as 20,000 - 100% scaling?
Then some time later (here 3.5 minutes) the autosyncing corrects the mistake by modifying the position. It is not the first time (in a single week of trading) I saw this problem: first an incorrectly scaled trade is made, then this is corrected via autosyncing. So, I am wondering: is there a way to avoid this? Debug C2?
As one sees it not only leads to additional trade commissions, but the time delay introduces more slippage. Of course, I would prefer if the autotrade feature would correctly map the trades.