Stop not executed


Reversion to the Mean has an open long position in the @EMDH7 contract. There is also a pending stop loss order at 836.10 for this contract which has been in place since the BTO order executed.

The price is currently below the stop loss level, yet the STOP order has not been executed. In fact, the price dropped substantially lower earlier in the day causing and not honoring the stop loss caused a deeper drawdown that should have occurred.

I haven’t closed the trade manually yet as I wanted you to see it as it is now. However, I do need to close it and have it adjusted to have the stop loss honored.

If the fault is somehow mine in the order type or something, please let me know what I need to do to prevent this from happening in the future.

Also… I still haven’t seen a resolution for the duplicated order entry for the extra @ADH7 contract… can you address both issues please?



It appears from your email reply that the C2.exe program need to send a “fill” order to execute the stop orders that were already pending in C2…

What then is the purpose of the “pending” stop loss orders that were already in place in my trading queu? Wouldn’t it be better if C2’s data recognized that the stop loss price had been hit and automatically fill that already pending order?

As is, it looks like a power outage last night, wiped out my server and listening port preferences in the C2.EXE program and the fill was not sent. I’m wondering though, what’s the purpose of having those pending orders in place if they require another signal to fill?

After years (literally!) of trial and error, we’ve determined that the best way to keep TradeStation in sync with C2 is to rely on TradeStation to notify about fill status. Things are handled differently if you have Autotraders trading in live brokerage accounts – in that case, C2 does not wait around for TradeStation fill signals.

(That you might have subscribers and AutoTraders is the reason we require notification of pending signals as well – so that we can alert them and/or their brokerage accounts.)

Ok… thanks for the explanation Matthew.

I’ve closed out that trade that should have been closed with the stop loss. However, before closing it, I got another long buy signal on the same contract. I think I may have or at least could have benefitted from the stop not being honored… but I’ll ask for a back fill to the stop loss price once the other lot is closed and the trade is complete.