Strategy Rankings

Why is it that some strategies show a strategy ranking while others do not? For example, Leveraged ETF Trading was ranked #1 not too long ago and, if I recall correctly, it was #43 yesterday. As of today there is no ranking indicated. Why is this the case?

The rank is only displayed if the strategy has a minimum rank. I don’t know where the minimum rank is. 2 days ago the rank of my strategy was also displayed. After my system lost a few percent on Friday, the rank is no longer displayed. As a manager, I can always see my rank under Manager Tools → Score Workbench. Currently 402.

I don’t know why the rank is only displayed above a certain rank.

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Yes, as you noted, a strategy manager can see his or her strategy’s C2Score ranking on the Scoring Workbench at any time. But C2 only shows detailed percentile / ordinal information on the main strategy page to the public when strategies are in the top 10% of scores. I chose this cut-off because doing otherwise would convey a false sense of accuracy. Any numerical scoring mechanism (C2’s or any other) is a rough tool at best, and becomes less and less meaningful as you move more into the middle of the pool. The difference between strategies #90 and #91 is probably statistically meaningless.

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