TOS Certification with Tradestation

I am aware that is not currently possible have a TOS certification with an account held at TS. However, I am aware that is possible to give a third party authorization to collect the statements as I indeed I am doing to keep a verified track records of my performances. I am wondering if that would be a reasonable procedure to get a TOS certification at C2 for the TS users in case for instance a strategy that trade the ES symbol mimic exactly the behavior of the strategy at c2.

It is quite unfortunate to not have Tos certification for those that have an account at ts. Using a bridge from TS to IB has many disadvantages in terms of latency, complexity, TWS’s daily reset, and last not last the impossibility to retrieve key information as the purchasing power on the account needed for the position size calculations. Clearly this path is too cumbersome.

I understand that many investors on C2 want to see a Tos certification considering the epic fails we have continuosly watched in the past. On the other side being a developer of two (positive) strategies at C2 close to the Listing Period expiration, I see little advantages to continue to pay a fee without a TOS certification.

When TradeStation (the company) allows Collective2 AutoTrading at its brokerage, we will be able to offer Trades-Own-System (TOS) Certification to strategy developers who use their own money to trade their own strategy.

Until that time, it isn’t possible.


P.S. A polite email to TradeStation, from a valued account holder, requesting that they allow this couldn’t hurt.

I understand that Collective2 has specific policies issued . But why statements released directly from Ts to C2 wouldn’t be useful for the TOS certification? With Today’s tech should not be that difficult to implement.

Tradestation as You may aware has its own leased strategies business model. An email even from a valued account holder won’t change the outcome.