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before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
Hi Guys wondering what kind of subscribers C2 has? Meaning are they all looking for the quick get rich quick 100% returns a year, or would more conservative strategies do well?
Also, are they smart enough to figure out they can scale the strategy to whatever % they want to match, or do they want to just see high returns?
The thing I personally didn’t like when investing in strategies here, is they all seemed ultra aggressive with 30%+ Drawdowns, if you went down on the drawdowns the performance suffered greatly, where the risk to reward wasn’t even worth it anymore.
But that is just myself 1 person, wondering about the type of subscribers on collective are these semi sophisticated investors, or just YOLO give me 1000% returns a year?
Asking as from a marketing standpoint if showing a more re-scaled aggressive strategy of 100% annual returns, would be easier than people figuring it out on their own that they can subscribe to one of my strategies and scale accordingly, as opposed to creating different safe, moderate, aggressive versions of the same exact strategy.
If they are a new customer at C2 ( most likely has no clue about trading vehicle investment’s characteristics), they are aggressive and want to be rich in short term.
The other types of subscribers. After they learn in very hard way, they will focus on TOS, longer term period of statistics, developer’s trading behavior , RR and DD. More conservative and adjust scale.
sounds good hopefully the latter is the case. Would love to hear from other strategy creators who had systems at one time or still do. Do people appreciate safety and good performance or just want the get rich quick.
Collective2’s calculation of drawdowns for Futures accounts, while technically accurate, is quite punitive. The equity highs and lows are calculated many times daily and include price spikes often made in overnight trading. No client entered or exited at those prices. I feel that drawdown statistics should be calculated on a end of day basis, which is more in keeping with industry practice. Other financial advisers only use weekly or even monthly closes to calculate drawdowns.
Another factor to consider is the duration of the draw. A spike down in equity with a quick recovery is easier to live with than a long, drawn out recovery. The latter is common with option writing strategies. A futures strategy with sound money management will come back more quickly. Obviously, a bad strategy never recovers.
They could do that, but then they would have to take away day margin on futures account and enforce liquidation. Personally I think it’s fine from the few days I been here. For smaller risk/reward go for stocks, for highly leveraged go for futures
Any one that maximizes position size based of day trade margins is going to lose in the long run. It isn’t about trading acumen, but just the math of compounding. Over the years with C2 there have been scores of high leverage index traders who have blown out, taking their clients with them. The exchanges and brokers set margins low to encourage over trading.
Sorry for getting off topic, although draw downs are a big part of most analysis. I think C2 subscribers are mostly younger and not very sophisticated investors. Many want a CD type instrument that pays 50% to 100% per year. They do not understand the perils of leverage. As trade leaders, we should not encourage over leveraging. A well researched system should have some idea of the potential drawdowns and recommended positions sizes should be scaled accordingly.
Also, I do not like the C2 practice of “Suggested Minimum Capital.” I feel better able to determine that based on my backtested research.