This is a strategy you can refer to and you need to look at. This strategy is helpful regardless your capital size.
All time new high now.
The opinions expressed in these forums do not represent those of C2, and any discussion of profit/loss is not indicative of future performance or success. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. You should read, understand, and consider the Risk Disclosure Statement that is provided by your broker before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
This is a strategy you can refer to and you need to look at. This strategy is helpful regardless your capital size.
All time new high now.
Link is broken.
Is it the same strategy you advertised couple posts earlier?
Here is the link:
It was another guy last year trading options with huge dds and profits and he was very active in the forum. He failed finally. Is it you?
I thought that guy is you.
I was his critic.
Конечно пишите.
(20 characters)
Pardon. It is not about your strategy. I am new in collective2, and I have several question regarding this website. Where I can learn information how it works and other details.?
माफ़ कीजिये
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Feel free to follow!!!
All time high AGAIN.
I see you have magically closed Rough rice H7 at 13.4 , when infact it was under 9.5 .
Thanks for pointing this out. This is corrected.
All time high again.
FOREX market is still open today!
All time high again!
I personally don’t want to follow a strategy with a max. drawdown of more than 20%, sorry.
That’s all right. Smaller is better.
The strategy I am working at is self-learning and the after I am family with C2. The maxim drawdown will be improved. Too many stories about the chart…
All time high again!
You will the the drawdown get’s smaller and smaller and eventually stabilize at a certain level!
Is there a way of blocking this thread? The amount of spamming and marketing is out of control.
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