Where to get assistance from C2 admin

I am trying to set up between C2, Ninja, and IAB and possibly FXCM in order to use TOS. I sent a contact email and also replied to an email from Alex but have not received replies. What is the best way to get my questions answered quickly so I can move forward and activate my system? Thanks

Hello Steve,

I have replied to you directly.

- Alen


Alen I also just sent you a bug report problem.


Rick Haines

Hello Rick,

I see it, thanks for the alert.

- Alen


Alen the problem with my statistics on RPH2 still exist.

Is there any movement towards fixing this?

Rick Haines

Hi Rick,

This has been put in the bug database. It is a medium priority, because it is something that is caused only when you manually force a refresh of the system stats, and the weird stat calc is subsequently cleaned up when C2 automatically recalcs your system results. Realistically, it may be days before this gets fixed.

We’ll let you know by email when it’s addressed, or you can follow up with me by email privately if you prefer. Again - thanks for the alert. We always appreciate bug reports (well, we know they’re part of the software business).

- Alen


Ok thank you. You don’t have to email me I am sure I will notice the fix myself. I know you are busy.

Rick Haines