Today David Juday sent out an email to his subscribers which I think is significant enough for all C2 members to read:
Hi all, my volatility strategies have now spent 1 Year on C2! So Happy Anniversary! As I reflect on the past year, first of all I’m happy to report that both strategies have performed better than their targets. I set the targets at 50% per year for Smart Volatility Long and 150% per year for Smart Volatility Short. As of today, Long is up 99.7% and Short is up 181.8%! It’s definitely been a favorable year for volatility strategies, so I can’t take all the credit, but here’s what I see when I look back.
First of all, the numbers. Of the 784 current C2 strategies, 192 have been around 1 year or longer. Of that 192, only 17 are TOS. Here are the top 5 (by Annual Return) of those 17 TOS strategies:
- Volatility Returns – 236% Return, 35.2% Drawdown
- VolatilityTrader – 210.3% Return, 53% Drawdown
- Smart Volatility Short – 181.8% Return, 31.1% Drawdown
- Smart Volatility Long – 99.7% Return, 20.0% Drawdown
- R Option – 9 2.6% Return, 41.7% Drawdown
The remaining 12 strategies all have earned less than 30%.
When I look at the top 5, obviously I’m very happy that both of my strategies have done so well. The next thing I notice is that my strategies have the lowest drawdowns on that list. But something else that is striking is the fact that 4 of the 5 strategies on the list are volatility strategies – I think this shows how powerful volatility strategies can be when used well!
I’m proud of the numbers, but what I’m more proud of is the way in which they were achieved. I had been modeling these strategies for years before even joining C2, and had been trading them in my own margin and IRA accounts before I even knew C2 existed. I joined C2 because friends and family had been asking to follow my strategies, and this seemed like a good way to let them do that. Every day and every trade, I realize that this is my money, my friends and family’s money, and all o f your money that I’m dealing with, and I take that responsibility very seriously.
One recent trend that I’m concerned with is the number of strategy owners who create a new (and usually hidden) strategy and make a few very highly leveraged, high risk trades in order to get crazy returns for a few months – and then if they got lucky during those month they go public with these strategies to try to rake in subscribers – and if they were unlucky, then they just shut down the strategies with virtually no risk. Once they go public and get the subscribers, they totally change the types of trades they make. It’s unfortunate because the past returns have nothing to do with their current trading style. I won’t name names, but if you look at the current Leader Board, you will see a number of them in the top 12. I mention this because I don’t want you to get caught up in this. If you like their current investment style and performance, then you should fee l free to join them, but if you’re tempted to join because of outrageous returns in the early months, I would strongly advise against it.
Ok, enough of that – back to the anniversary celebration! I would like to thank all of you for being wonderful subscribers and for going on this adventure with me! I feel like you are a great group of people who are solid and very well informed. I’m very happy that about 90% of my paid subscribers are still with me today – for all the strategy owners that complain about subscribers not sticking around for very long, I think 90% is a great number! So to celebrate, I’d like to offer each one of you 50% off your next month’s subscriber fee. If you’d like to take advantage of that, simply send me a message saying “Happy Anniversary”, and I’ll adjust your next month’s fee.