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I’m looking at the top strategies from the leaderboard with couple of years track record, and I’m trying to figure out how much money they make from C2 subs. So I look at autotrade accounts. Most are like 10 and under. Is this for real or am i missing something ?
has 2 subs paying $50/month with 9 yrs record
has 10 subs paying $130/month with 5 yrs record
has 3 subs paying $149/month with 4 yrs record
so many others. Why is it so low? Where are all the strategies that has 50+ subs?
Keep in mind that a lot of C2 trade leaders just want to create an official track record on the Internet, so that they can attract tons of clients to their own hedge fund or money management service, for instance.
In other words, the C2 subscription money is not their main goal.
You’re basically confirming what I just said, that even systems with great track records don’t make much money on C2, where I was always been under the impression that great strategies have huge following on here. Plus C2 has always push the theme that they are anti hedge funds. Your assertion that hedge funds would use C2 as a marketing strategy makes no sense to me , since you have non accredited investors on this platform. Also why would they pay the hedge fund 2/20 structure instead of paying fixed flat fee
I’ve read somewhere that some C2 trade leaders earned more than $500 000 from their subscribers.
Of course it is not a typical revenue figure for most trade leaders, but it should give you an idea about the profit potential if you have a good trading system.
so i’m just curious to know of a real life manager with subs who can shed light on this. what’s a typical sub count for a system that is 3 months, 6 months or 1 year?
Typically 1-20 subs after 3-6 months, I had about a 100 after 4 months once and that dwindled as my system cooled off. Looks like Quant tiger had something like 700-1000 when he had red hot returns, that cooled off like it did for most after the recent decline, I have no idea how many he has now.
Basically being good doesn’t mean squatola out here, the only systems making 100s of thousands are the very few flavors of the month. Bottom line is everyone is trying to make a buck any way they can, C2 makes money off of eager subs and leaders which is great, the only thing I would say they do that I feel is pushing it, is this C2Star thing which is a carrot on a stick luring in eager leaders hoping to make an ez 1k a month. But even that should be allowed because after all, it’s your own choice, kind of like Squid Games, you choose to be greedy, but in my opinion that game is stacked, but that’s on the leaders. The fact that the only way for leaders to make money out here is by being the one of few hot systems creates a vicious cycle where leaders have to stoop to unethical practices to stay afloat. When I criticize a system it’s just for my wicked pleasure as I know the leader is just doing what he’s doing to make money. I don’t really care what he does, it’s just for my amusement. Anyway it is what it is.
Here is one data point for you. Recently I have been averaging about $3,000 per month in revenue. Subs are all paying $125 a month not the current list price. I really enjoy C2 most of the time, but it isn’t my primary source of income or wealth. My investments, my business, and my spouses job all make much more than I make from C2. However, it is a good hobby. I would love to see C2 grow overtime, but I think it is a difficult business model.
To be clear that is $3,000 that I get after C2’s 40% cut of subscriber fees.
Same here, my 23 rentals and my wife’s online business are the main drivers of my wealth, having the free time makes this a fun hobby with some potential.
Yes, I am still trading and using C2. I am very grateful that I have found it and am making money using it. I just think it is very hard to earn money consistently as a trade leader from it, and with the setup (partly due to legal constrains on billing methods) makes it hard for C2 as a website to grow really big.