Big money system just waiting API know-how

I would like to collaborate with someone who can automate relative and time based trades - max one trade per day of futures in the FTSE index UK.

I’ve been wanting to upload this system for more than 10yrs. When ever I back test it, it makes an average profit of 5 points a day per contract with no leverage and that is allowing for a very generous spread of 2 points when it might be as low as 0.5.

Does anyone want to help me set this up - 1st come first served and 50/50 share of any subscriptions. If someone has access to actual spreads on historical data then the profits would be greater still.

If you contact me here on on I will send you a simple spreadsheet that demonstrates the phenomenon.

Hi James…

I sent you an email… if you are still looking for someone to collaborate…
