C2 Tray Question

Is the solution to trading multiple instruments within one C2 system simply creating multiple Tradestation workspaces with the same C2 system name parameter but a different instrument parameter? For example:

C2 System ID: 4651089

c2=4651089_s=@ESZ6 == System trades ES

c2=4651089_s=@NQZ6 == System (also) trades NQ

I presume this is the case, but would appreciate any confirmation. Thank you in advance!

Yes, you are correct.

In cases where the C2 symbol is identical to the TradeStation symbol, there is no need to do even this. You can simply create one workspace of type=future or type=stock and stick all your charts in that one workspace.

However, if you are using continuous contracts in TradeStation, or if the TradeStation symbol is different than the C2 symbol, then you need to specify your C2 symbol within the workspace name.