On the top of the big board it says:
“Currently showing only ACTIVE systems.”
I know, there is no objective definition of an active system, but I think it is safe to say, if a system has no position or new trade for at least 2 months, that can not be called ACTIVE.
There are at least 2 systems on each page that shouldn’t be there, because of inactivity. Now if there is an inactive system on page 11, I don’t really care, but at least the top should be cleared up of clutter. Those are bad advertisement for C2 and taking up spaces from other systems.
Also, if a badly performing system becomes inactive, that is obvious, but if a highflying system stops suddenly, we have to ask a good reason for that. Most likely the nonexistence of subscribers.
Thus it is safe to say, that that system was not worthy to list on the first place.
Here are those systems that shouldn’t be among the top of the ACTIVE systems:
Name: Inactive for:
Dave’s Option 3 months
Dave’s ATM 3 months
Koan (both) 2 months
XPE 3 months
BTS (both) 3 months
Although their description says they are still being supported, my bet that their listing fee haven’t been renewed. They should be put where they belong, to the HISTORY depratment of C2…