C2 has been up for many years now, where are the old systems I hear about in the forums posts ? The only older active system I see is extreme-os.
I just went to the grid and sorted stock signals by age. The first 100 signals were over 2 years old.
C2 has been around since when 2005? I see so many old posts about the top systems back then it would be interesting to see how they did or why they stopped.
I’m guessing either those old systems ended dying or they got scooped up by hirers? Old futures or Forex systems?
anybody have any idea where the 2008 systems have gone? Died? Deleted?
Some probably just moved on, or ended up managing peoples money. Some systems stop working when markets change, which we hear too often.
Our fx trading system has been running for a decade with profits every year end and we had decided on sending signals on collective2, so that all traders that need help can profit from our forex system and claw back all losses made by them.
It seems that if a system developer doesn’t pay C2 listing fees , the system wont appear in the Grid , obviously .
Seems like the older systems should continue to live, in some way. I expect that many were closed due to poor performance – that is critical info for a strategy customer.
BTW guys if you are looking for a certain old system you can search for it by name at the upper right of C2 webpage , even if it isn’t listed at the grid it will appear in the search results .
I absolutely agree that older popular systems should still be available to be shown. This gives us an idea of what a popular C2 system death looks like. Like Steve mentioned, critical info.
Very few old popular systems are still running, Topaz and Extreme-OS are among the few.
Whats the point from showing it at the grid if you cant subscribe to it ? They cant show every system that C2 had over the years , that would be an unnecessary mess .
I am talking about a kind of hall of fame or infamy. You would need a certain amount of subs for a certain amount of time. It is 100% doable and would provide invaluable information on the death of a system. I doubt it would get done though.
Maybe have another table showing how trading systems went from holy grail to dying!
On a side note, we have had a good month. We will be continuing doing what we have been doing for many years to come.