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before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
Can someone explain what does exactly “Correlation S&P500” means? From what we understand it says how my portfolio performe compare to the S&P ( Based on what your representative said ).
In that case, why in this strategy,
when it beat the market in every aspect it is negative and small?
is there an option to get more clarification about this factor?
A correlation between two financial instruments (A and B) can be positive or negative.
A small negative correlation means:
1: There is no significant correlation between A and B.
2: When B moves up, A moves down (and vice versa), but again not in any significant way.
I know what it means, I’m just saying if it correlated to the S&P what it is so low? if we outperform the S&P ?
That’s why we asked what exactly this feature.
I will say it again, your strategy is NOT correlated to the S&P 500, that’s why the numbers are small.
In fact you should be happy with these small numbers, potential C2 subscribers do not particularly like strategies that simply mimic the performance of an index like the S&P 500, they want to follow systems that can beat the market, and so far your strategy has been doing just that.
Do you have some information about this Dr Gale?
His name sounds familiar, for some weird reason, even though I have never heard of him.
And all you’ve got to do is martingale 25-30 ES contracts multiple times (and find a broker that will let you)…lol. I’d be curious to see the trades made and performance in his past strategies that have been made private. That would be a requirement before I subscribed.
They’re not real gains. The trade leader was on another thread complaining that he can no longer martingale (he’s limited to 4 contracts) because his strategy now has subscribers and regulators won’t allow him to trade an unrealistic 25-30 contracts at a time. Let’s see how the strategy performs now that there are subs and the trading is no longer make believe. Hopefully they’ll all prosper.
Speaking of prospering. During the last chat we had you said you were going to start a forex strategy in the beginning of September. Did you ever create it? I’d like to add it to my watchlist.