Creating a list of systems 4 later review

Matthew, I wanted to highlight a difficulty I have been having searching for new trading systems. I don’t know how other people collect and identify systems for further analysis, but my workflow is as follows.

I usually start with the grid and sort by a particular parameter, eg system age. I then scan equity curves using the popup chart. If I find one that is of interest, then I click through to the system page and add it to my analyst for later review. Then I have to browse back to the grid. Here’s where the problem starts. The grid sort order is then reset. So I resort by clicking twice on my sort parameter and find where I was up to and continue. This gets more and more difficult as you move through subsequent pages of the grid since I then have to resort and again navigate through to the page in the grid where I was up to (this is because when you browse back from the system page the grid defaults back to the first page, not the page you were up to).

The easy way around this problem were if I was able to navigate to the system page from the grid by opening a new browser tab/window (then the grid would remain as I had left it), however neither firefox or ie allow this option from the right-click context menu when I right click a system on the grid.

I don’t know if there is a painless fix for all this. Perhaps someone can suggest an alternate method for scrapbooking trading systems for further analysis. Being able to specify more filters on the grid would also cut out a lot of systems that don’t fit my criteria (eg, systems that are inactive, systems at are least x months old) and reduce the number of pages to navigate through.

Yes, and MK needs to have I life as well, I know.