Hi Matthew,
I’m experiencing drawdown errors for Kauai on a regular basis. This must be some sort of bug in your software, I presume? Can you please fix this? E.g. in the open trades C2 shows drawdowns of $645; $12,699; $847 and $9,512 on put option positions, each with a maximum possible drawdown of only $500 by definition.
As a result some statistics are completely off. For example, my APD should be around 0.20, while it is now shown as 0.05.
I know I can report drawdown errors one by one, but since they seem to appear on a regular basis, I was hoping you could provide a permanent fix.
I agree that this is an annoying problem, and I am working on resolving it ASAP. In the interim, please do continue to send in the trouble tickets for the incorrect trades, and I will fix the wrong drawdowns. I’m sorry for this problem. I has been driving me crazy, too, but I hope to solve it shortly.
Great, thanks!