Gainers/losers this quarter problem

I’m sorry I’m lurking. But I like how Ross is always criticising everyone. He always says how he wouldn’t trust bulldog and he won’t sign up. He won’t switch brokers, because they are sooo unreliable.

But his own web site has been hacked. Ha ha!

At least now he’ll get to appear on this list:,com_attacks/Itemid,44/filter_defacer,crackers_child/

Matthew. Thanks for you reply.

Whilst I respect your decision, I can only assume that you are more keen to look after the 80% or so of struggling vendors on this site who are grateful for any publicity and which pay $99 per 6 months, as opposed to the few dwindling number of subscribers who only contribute 30% of sub fees to your site. As non-vendor hits to your site are only around 20% of the total, I guess you have your sums pretty much worked out.


My desire to have a Weekly Gainers list isn’t really caused by a devious strategy to maximize revenue. (Not sure it would do so, anyway.) It’s exactly what it seems: I think Weekly Gainers / Losers are interesting. Note that I highlight the losers, too, by the way. Hardly the most effective sales strategy! - MK

whatever. You bent a few things in that post. Didn’t say I wouldn’t trust bulldog in particular, but implied most futures traders don’t want to switch, and there are a lot of brokers who are not . There is a reason futures traders flock to IB, Tradestation and a few others. Study the Refco thing a little better before blindly cackling.

If you had a long history of your own futures trading and had been burned a few times, you wouldn’t be so quick to think this was funny.

And when someone commits a criminal act, I would not have chuckled at your own misfortune if someone did this to you. The site was not active yet, but imagine how Matthew would feel if someone hacked C2 and cost him his livelihood and reputation. Would this be amusing to you?