Graham All Markets Trading - the fakery continues

(that was part one). Matthew still wants to say some more.

Thank you for apologizing over this matter. It might not help you win any subscribers (most people probably will never trust you with their money), but you did the right thing, and that does matter.

Thanks to Ross for uncovering the whole plot. His effort helped maintain the integrity of C2.

I agree. Thanks Ross, though as was previously metioned I doubt he was much of a threat to subscribers due to the abominably low win %.

I have posted warnings in all his forums to keep away potential victims. Kind of funny though, one of his multiple personalities tried to "rise to his defense" in all the forums I posted the warning.

This is like shooting fish in a barrel (as they say).

This is funny. I subscribed to the systems of Matthew aka Jen Tyll aka Jimmy Perko aka many other alter egos. He ended all my subscriptions. Wonder why? :slight_smile:

"This is a confirmation that your subscription to the trading system Graham Advanced Options Spreads, published by Doubleday Managed Trading, has been stopped.

Your subscription was ended by the system vendor.

Whats the matter Matthew Jen Jimmy Graham Tyll Perko, you don’t like having new subscribers???

"To rectify this matter, I have withdrawn the system in question."

Well, that lasted 2 days. Now the system, which was renamed Testm with its 4300 faked views, a note has been sent to all “former subscribers” that it is open for business again. And the forum where this all started has been decommissioned

This guy doesn’t grasp the concept of fraud!!!

This guy doesn't grasp the concept of fraud!!!!!!!!!!

And who would know this better than you? You launched a system you never traded before and tried to scam C2 out of subscriber money. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

The guy apologized! I didn't see note from Matthew that he is permamently banned from C2, so why should he not be allowed to start over, open his system again and continue trading?

Your 100's of posts saying the same thing over and over is getting real old now and you just clutter the forum.

CM posts are ignored. Little useful or true ever seems to exist, so I stopped bothering.

If you bash system vendors on a daily basis there’s a good chance that you will be right sometimes.

As others pointed out, I don’t see the relevance of the number of page views. Only a fool would take this number as a reason to subscribe.

That’s a little different for the fake reviews. But everybody could know that fraud is extremely easy in this. Probably it happens much more often, only Graham was stupid enough to get caught.

I agree. It is just like treating the prisoners of war. If one keeps bashing them often and adequate enough, they will reveal anything.

But I would assume that one would want them to reveal everything not just about anything which includes the city and state they are from, for instance. The geneva convention stipulates that they reveal only their name, rank and serial number.

In this ongoing war between "the truth" and "un-reality", the casuality seems to be the prisoner of war, I mean, the system vendor.

ps: A society is judged by how it treats its prisoners of war, whether they have been fighting for a just cause or not. But I guess, it is just a little too much to expect in this modern world bound by ancient, obsolete, archaic rules.

> In this ongoing war between "the truth" and "un-reality", the casuality seems to be the prisoner of war, I mean, the system vendor.

Huh?!? I have no idea what this means…but appreciate the plug for my system.

It’s just another one of Palsun’s inane rants, devoid of relevant content, as usual.

You are welcome. Thanks for listening.

>I would like to apologize to everyone for posting reviews of my own trading system.

I think you should apologize for not having a winning system. By the way, how much for the robot program??? :slight_smile: