How does C2 deal with new subscribers?

I got a new subscriber today and I noticed that their AUM is showing changes in line with my current positions. Does this mean that C2 enters positions as soon as someone subscribes? Backfilling for what is currently held?

That seems odd to me if so, since drawdown will be huge when a stopout occurs after a period of winning. The subscriber will enter at a suboptimal point then stop out with a much bigger loss than realistic.

Am I tripping?

If the subscriber autotrades your system, yes, they will be synced up with all your current positions. Manual traders can of course wait.

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That seems super wrong, DD for subscribers is going to be huge in that case

Is there a setting I can tell my subscribers to use that only enters on new signals? Backfilling positions is a terrible idea for the way I trade

Subscribers already have the option to either join existing positions or wait for new positions to join. If this subscriber of yours joined a trade in mid-trade, then that was his/her choice.


@imphasing - ditto @PhilD1. Several strategy managers put instructions in their strategy descriptions whether or not it’s a good idea to join existing trades when starting up. In addition, you can/should send a welcome message upon getting a new subscriber and let them know your recommendations. It’s not foolproof, but if a subscriber won’t read the strategy description first, that’s not really your fault and you’ve done a reasonable and responsible job.