What is happening this year in the world of volatility trading which has not happened in previous years and is causing the returns of my strategies to fall from 80% to 100% a year to zero and even negative returns?
Well, what is happening is that at the beginning of February, for the first time in the history, we saw a sudden increase (100%) in the VIX and the erosion of the XIV symbol due to the tail and dog phenomenon, all within a few minutes. This resulted in a significant change in trading systems and impacted almost any volatility strategy…
What actually happened to the volatility trading systems?
What happened was that the trading systems of the large institutional investors and hedge funds that were trading at the time and did not foresee that the volatility was in front of a significant movement, actually lost most of their investments money… When they returned to trade volatility after the event, they adjusted the systems in such a way that they will react more quickly to S&P 500 in order to avoid a similar loss as much as possible if it will happen again…
This change created new “noises” in the market that was not exist in the past…
The question before us, therefore, is whether it is still possible to profit from trading volatility, even in the current situation…
Well, in my opinion, it is possible to profit from such a market only if the strategy takes into account this phenomenon and knows when and how to respond to the “noises”…
After many tests in real data, my strategies VIXTrader and VIXTrader Professional are starting to work today after adaptation to this current market situation and to the “noises”…
This means that the systems are expected to produce less signals than usual and at the same time ignore “noises” with a success rate of 60-80%.
In retrospect, the results of the last few years were very similar to the actual results obtained in the live trading of the strategies prior to the change in them, while the DD was larger by 2% -3% than usual. By using risk management and money management, the DD in the future is expected to be similar to today…
I think that most of the volatility trading strategies will have to adapt to the new market conditions otherwise they will not be able to produce significant positive returns over time or may find themselves in a large DD…
Interestingly, the performance of optimizations for volatility strategies that have worked successfully in the past years are not generating significant profit this year… This shows that this year is really different from previous years…
As usual, the most important is not to lose money and according to this principle, I will continue to mange my strategies…
Good luck!