New Dashboard Page - Latest Improvments

Latest improvements to the new Trading Strategy Dashboard:

Per request of @KarlA:

Now you can decide whether to display Strategy Model Account Positions, or AutoTrade Brokerage Account Positions, or both. (Or neither.) This option is available in the configuration window. Click the gear icon in the upper-right to access.

Per request of @AlanMaubouche: Now when you right-click on a Strategy, the Strategy Details open up in a new browser tab. This has been tested in many browsers and OS configurations; but let me know if it doesn’t work in yours.

Please continue to report problems and request things you’d like to see. I want everyone to be happy (or at least modestly satisfied) when the old dashboard says goodbye, and the new dashboard replaces it.


Hi Matthew,

Although I chose “repetitive” on Signal Alerts on the new dashboard, when a signal is issued, neither a pop-up screen as in the old dashboard nor the repetitive sound appeared on my screen. New Alert popup screen and repetitive sound are really a must for traders like me to be able to trade strategies manually. Thanks


Hi, Ali:

Just tested it and it works for me. The repetitive alert sound (and popup window) appear when there’s a new signal issued.

So, first, let’s make sure of the basics: Are you sure there was a new signal issued by a system that is visible in the main area of your new dashboard page? (i.e. the upper-left area of the screen)

If yes, please let me know which browser (version and flavor) and operating system you are using, which specific system issued the signal that you did not receive, and I’ll try to replicate the problem.

Thanks …

What about new reviews is there a way to browse them ?

You can reach reviews by going to the top menu Find System:

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for quick reply. To answer your questions:

1- Yes, there was a new signal issued by the system I follow, and the system was visible in the main area of my new dashboard.

2- I’m using Chrome, version 39.0.2171.99 m, Windows XP. The name of the system (strategy) which issued the signal Optimized Partners II, and the signal date was 1/15/2015, there were 6 signals issued, 4 Sell to close trades an 2 buy to open trades.


Just a couple of comments on the new dashboard:

  • The price quotes for some of the assets in my portfolio seem to be delayed. When I go to the system details page, the quotes are correct.
  • The main thing I miss from the original dashboard is the Recent Reviews. I’ve found a number of good systems by reading these reviews.
