We’ve begun rolling out a new affiliate program, which allows you to earn revenue simply by telling people about C2 trading systems. Click the White Label link in the left-side menu bar (towards the top, under the My C2 section).
More details soon. As always, new technology means new glitches. Please report anything peculiar. Thanks. - Matthew
what seems to be the most successful growth medium for C2 - advertising the site, link-eschange, SEO (search engine optimization), word of mouth, or something else?
Have you considered cross-pollinating with other brokers, besides bulldog & OEC? Striker and Attain Capital? are heavy system-promoting brokers
Matthew -
I really appreciate your new initiative with the White Label program. But I have the same issues with this new concept as with the old. The problem being lack of flexibility. I would like to point an audience to individual systems that I hand-pick.
The simplest way to do this is to be able to provide a hop-link to ANY trading system page (excuse me if I don’t have the terminology quite right). And that hop-link would have my info embedded in it so I get the 10% when they subscribe to the system.
This way I can design my web-site to point to individual systems that I like and tailor my site the way I want it to look. I could display and point to featured systems, hot systems per my rules, etc.
I understand exactly what you want, and will try to add it shortly. The new White Label / Affiliate stuff will serve as a general infrastructure for a variety of programs and features. I’ll be rolling them out shortly.
I also want to be able to call out the system equity chart, hypothetical monthly performance chart, closed trades and some elementary stats (nothing complicated) on my web-site.
The basic problem I have with the recently added feature (closed trade RSS feed) is that each trade hyperlinks back to the trading system page (without the White Label info??) thus short-circuiting the effort to market the system.
Yes, I agree this must be fixed.
"As always, new technology means new glitches. Please report anything peculiar. Thanks. - Matthew"
OK, I’ve had a play and found something peculiar:
“New Affiliate Program” tab seems to work fine. But under the “White Label C2” tab when I complete the details and click the “Turn On White Label Program” button I get taken to a blank page (in Firefox, or a page with the message “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” in IE 7.0.5730.11.
My OS is XP Pro v5.2 SP2
The address of the blank page is shown as:
Does anyone else have this problem?
I think it’s a great idea, and am keen to take it for a test-run on my site once it’s bug-free.
I will work on both issues you have uncovered and try to fix them as soon as possible. I’ll post more here when done.
Matthew - is the intent to roll the old White Label program into the new Affiliate Program? Correct me if I am wrong but the old W.L. program was based on system subscription whereas the new affiliate program is based upon registration with C2.
I would have some reservations about marketing other vendor’s systems if the potential for revenues are not directly linked to the act of subscribing to a system. Why would I make the effort to convince someone to subscribe to a system and then someone else gets the revenue for registering them at C2?
There should be a small reward for getting people to register with C2 and a much larger reward for getting them to subscribe to a system.
A small correction to the above - by registration I actually mean landing on my C2 web-site.
"As always, new technology means new glitches. Please report anything peculiar. Thanks. - Matthew"
Matthew: Happy New Year to you and the C2 team!
Some more feedback on the new White Label option:
1. I can now set up and view my white label page on C2. The address is:
It looks fine under IE7, but with Firefox the bottom of the turquoise border cuts through about 3/4ths of the way down the top two systems. I’ve come across this issue before with FF, and from memory a simple fix was to create an empty table with the turquoise border and auto height and width, then paste in the existing code (minus the border width/color settings) within that table.
2. My logo looks lonely at the top of the page! It would be great if the content of “Page Name or Company Name” (in the setup page) could be displayed next to the logo as a page header.
I hope this feedback helps.
After 3 months with Collective2 I have to say I think your service, support and offerings are awesome (esp compared to spending 3-4 hours each night doing signals and updating trading history manually, like I used to do for my website!). I wish you every success in 2008.
Best regards,
"I can now set up and view my white label page on C2. The address is:
Here’s one more bug: you’ll notice that I’ve added links to my site in the comments for the systems on my white label page (above address). They work fine. But now when I go to edit the comments on the white label control panel page, clicking the “Edit” link takes me to my websites home page. All very strange!
I really need to be able to update these comments on a regular basis, so I’m hoping there’ll be an easy fix to this bug.
These problems are now fixed. You may need to reload your white label page (or clear your browser cache) in order to force the fixed css stylesheets to be reloaded.
Matthew - thanks for the quick response, it’s much appreciated. - Murray
I am intrigued by the possibilities offered by the Collective2 affiliate program. There are a few technical points I do not see addressed:
* what is the number of return days (the maximum number of days between when the client is first associated with a particular affiliate and when he pays for subscription, such that the affiliate can still receive credit). I understand that the 18 months mentioned is not the same thing.
* what are the methods of payment to the affiliate
* what amount of credit must be accumulated by the affiliate before the payment is made.
A formal affiliate agreement would help.
I don’t want to speak for Matthew but I believe this program is still beta - payments are made when you request them and made by PayPal. You get credit 45 days after a subscriber starts paying money for a system. Last time I heard from Matthew he was planning on making some improvements …
I have tried many different affiliate programs - This one is a very lucrative
Sounds good.
Is there some kind of delay involved in reflecting the statistics of visitors who clicked through from my site to yours in the "White Label" section of the site? For me it now shows, after running your ad for a few days, only 1 unique visitor (presumably myself). Google Analytics for my site shows a much more optimistic picture in its click patterns, myself excluded. It shows that the link to your site is quite popular. They can be wrong of course…
My unique visitors counter stopped at 35 a long time ago. I sent Matthew a couple of EMAIL indicating that I thought there was a problem but nothing has been done. In any case I believe that the white label works. You just have to be patient - it was some time before people got through the free trials and started paying money.
Steve, your enthusiasm is contagious but you can’t be sure you get all the credit you deserve. Nothing is more counterintuitive than a buggy piece of code. The time your counter stopped advancing could be the time when a bug was introduced into the code. You could be getting the credit for the old customers but not the new ones that joined after this happened – that’s just one possible scenario. If I were Matthew I would worry about this.
I did look at this a while ago and was comforted that it was a low-priority database query problem in that screen’s reporting – not a problem with giving credit to affiliates – but I agree it needs to be taken care of ASAP. Will post here when there is final resolution.