Please explain if i am missing a link somewhere

I see a stategy here:

what i want to know is it shows this developer has 8 strategies yet only one is shown, why is this? I want/need to know, even if his other strategies are not active what they did? what happened to them? Why are they now hidden? These results look pretty good even though risk of high draw down but if the other 7 strategies (not saying they did) blew up we have a right to know. And I mean we absolutely have a right to know. Once a record is made even if it is not actively traded i am fairly sure that you have to make that public record. You can say this new strategy is different or that was an old methodology we traded but the public has a right to know what it did, what the results were so we can properly evaluate and decide if we want to trade it. Please someone advise. Anotherwards, how do we know these other 7 systems did not have these same great returns and then lost it all in one month. that is crucial and vital information we have a right to know. Possibly I am just doing something wrong or not seeing the correct link?


If you type Ascendant into the search it finds the other systems the developer created. They covered the major index futures. I wont speak about how they ended but they had nice run ups for awhile.

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Once a record is made even if it is not actively traded i am fairly sure that you have to make that public record.

I absolutely agree with this. A long time ago C2 did not allow systems which were offered to the public to be deleted even if they never had any subscribers. Why was this policy changed? Now a developer can gamble with many high risk systems and then cherry pick the one which survived or shows the best return and delete the others. This is not fair at all to subscribers… Sometimes I feel C2 is still watching out more for the interest of vendors rather than trying to protect subscribers from shady manipulations by vendors.

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They were all blown up and dead. Here is a link to a screen shot of one of the charts of the dead systems, Ascendant VX: Latest Martingale Systems (and other ways to go broke fast) . Just scrolls down to the posting by AshM on September 15 and you will see it.

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That doesn’t work if you don’t know the name of the strategy you are looking for. In this case you could probably guess that it was called Ascendant Something but if it wasn’t called that you may never find it. Worse is that the vendor could just change the name right before they stop supporting it and then its like trying to find a needle in a haystack of 18,000 other strategy records.

If a vendor could not hide their failed strategies from their profile it would be a great step towards transparency. Hang on, isn’t that a legal requirement anyway?

its a fact. even with other funds you will find in TINY print in the prospectus that its listed with link on where you can get the details. they dont fully want to advertise it but it must be there. Huge troubles if its now if there were ever to be a complaint, at least thats the way I understand it. I have a huge account but i would NEVER put my money in without seeing what the previous records were. once i saw the previous records and spoke with the developer I may still invest depending on the conversation but I would absolutely have to know becuae having SEVEN systems is a warning flag right there.

Im pretty sure it is. Also, they can change the name all they want but the strategy’s are tagged to the developer and if C2 shows them by developer/taxid its a lot harder. The bottom line is this and it is REAL simple:

  1. if a developer is that bad and hiding something he should not be on here anyway and C2 should not want them on here. they are collecting fees but ultimately their site can not grown unless it becomes a place where people can trust. i would rather see 10 strats on here that WORK than trying to needle through hundreds that you have to try to ‘figure out if they are up to something’
  2. if an investor can not get the transparency he will limit the funds he will put in. That less lots/shares trades and less commissions for C2.
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Bringing up an old thread but I found the strategies.