Please Help me out!

Hello, My name is Dustin and I am new to the C2 group today. I logged in and looked under top revenues collected by system owners. There is one system on this system that has collected $571k!!! The next closest was $158K. Does anyone know which system this is? It seems that if they have collected 5 times the revenue of the next closest system…then they must have something really good.

I have been ripped off and scammed several times now…and joining C2 is my last ditch attempt I guess…I would highly appreciate any helpful info.


The top earner may be Extreme OS. Not sure if that indicates thinking traders on this web site or not.

What do you mean by “thinking traders”? also, I am referring to if you click on “my systems”, then click on “about starting a new system” , then you will see the top earner for commissions collected.
Anyway…do you know of the best automated trading system out there? or maybe a few top rated systems…?
Thank you!

I really am not a good trader, and I really would like to make some money…just wanting any real input from someone who is not trying to sell me on their product/get ripped off.

Dustin -

Can I do you a favor? Can I give you some advice?

C2 isn’t a good place for you. Not now. Perhaps later, but not now.

Now, listen, I’m the owner of the company, and I want everyone in the world to use my site. But I also want people to make good decisions. C2 is a place for exploring Automated Trading strategies. It’s definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme, or even a get-rich-slow scheme. There’s utterly no guarantee that you’ll make money. In fact, most people who trade lose money.

The fact that you want to make a “last ditch attempt” at speculating probably will not end well. Not here at C2, but maybe not anywhere else, either.

Investing and trading is a lot like dating. The more desperately you need success, the less likely you are to achieve it.

At C2 – and most other trading methods and venues – you need patience and you need capital and you need a cushion. You need to be able to withstand losses. Because – again – there are no guarantees. And, generally speaking, any time you seek a higher return than you can find elsewhere, you’ll pay for that higher return with higher risk.

So, my advice is, take a step back. Hold off on trading at C2 with real money (and probably elsewhere, too, although I am not qualified to speak about other trading opportunities).

If you want to explore Automated Trading, then fine – do so. Set up a Simulated Broker Account here at C2, and use it for practice and learning.

But don’t risk real money until you achieve a certain level of experience and comfort, and - more important - until you reach the point where it doesn’t matter too much what happens to the money you risk. Easier said than done, I know. But please consider my advice.

Matthew Klein

Thanks Mathew,
I probably came off wrong to some extent…I really don’t need the money, and I am not desperate. I just would love to learn how to trade successfully, and I was looking for some pointers on whom to follow. There are about 4000 systems to follow on C2 alone, so it is daunting. Anyway, I have just been scammed a few times…and I don’t even want to get rich quick! I just want some sort of sense as to which direction I should go in the market with a real professional (s). I really don’t care how much it costs…as long as it has a great track record of profits.
Thank you so much for the info!!

One more thing…I am getting familiar with the grid. Is that what I should primarily look at to make a decision on which ones to trade on?

Are there any aspects in particular that you would recommend looking at closely?

You can easily search the grid for many criteria.

The criteria I use to search are systems over 365 days old, with over 100 trades, with an annual return over 15% and a maximum drawdown of less than 10%, and over 75% winning trades.

These criteria will find trading systems that are consistently good over long periods of time in different market cycles.

Thank you for taking the time to help me out, I really appreciate the insight!

there are some newer systems…like "freedom EURUSD " that have a really good track record…but have only been around for about 1/2 year. What do you think of experimenting with these types in small volume?

I think the system that made the top list was Topaz dung the raging bull market. When the inevitable correction game, the subscribers fled like rats on a sinking ship.

okay, thanks! What are your over all top picks? what newer ones are you possible exploring currently?

These figures are for the commissions earned by the top earning systems - by the developer - .

Understood, do you have any top recommendations of your own for systems that I should follow?

Honestly no , good luck .