Possible problem with the Collective2 email system

Hi Matthew,

Each time I log in the little email icon keeps flashing even though there are absolutely no new messages to read, am I the only one experiencing this problem?

I’m having the same problem. Will look into it shortly.

Ok thanks.

By the way, when I click on "Igor Smirnoff" it says that I managing 0 (zero) system, how could this be?

Hi Igor. That’s fixed now.

Thank you Matthew.

One last thing: Click on a person’s name (yours for instance) and then on the “Managing” link, you will notice that nothing happens when you click on the system’s name (like Balboa IV for example, one of your trading system). I tried with IE 10 and Firefox 23 (Windows 7).


Thanks again, this is what I call First-Class service.

To answer my own last question (see comments above), we need to hold down the SHIFT key (or the CTRL key) while clicking on a system’s name to go directly to the system’s details page. This is what I learned today from one of your (informative) pop-up window.

Well, the “hold shift to go directly to system” is a new trick - just added that yesterday. The ability to click on a system that appears in person’s popup window (i.e. what systems a person is managing or autotrading or whatever) is brand new - just added that today.

Oh, and I also added the ability to drill down into system details from the new System Finder - again, based on user feedback that people missed this.

Me too hav the same problem