Problem! Missed all Trades in my account!

Hi Mathew,

Trades from Euro 30 since today are not happened in my account. Below is the problem and I checked OEC and they said it is OK at their end, please check with C2. I can NOT trade anymore in this account due to this problem

"Dear Anh Nguyen,

This is an automated message from Trade Integration LLC in regards to your AutoTraded account at OpenECry FX.

Our AutoTrade technology attempts to place trades in your brokerage account X19106 to match the trading systems to which you’ve subscribed. We call this ‘AutoSync Technology’.

There are cases, however, in which we will make several attempts to place a trade in your account, but will have that particular trade rejected a few times by the broker or exchange.

This recently happened when we attempted to place a trade in your OpenECry FX account for the symbol EUR/USD, in order to match the trading system called Euro 30.

Therefore, as a safety precaution, we will stop trying to match the position in EUR/USD currently open in Euro 30 for 30 minutes or until Euro 30 closes its position in EUR/USD, whichever happens sooner. After either of these conditions are met, we will automatically start to match all trades in EUR/USD by Euro 30.

Please note: This message only applies to the symbol EUR/USD, and only for the trading system Euro 30. AutoTrading is still operating, and you may continue to AutoTrade the system Euro 30 in general. However, we won’t immediately attempt to sync its position in symbol EUR/USD.

Recent broker reject reason: MaxQty=0"


Anh Nguyen

Same thing here Anh.

I’ve called OpenECry and and they tell me things are ok on their end. I’ve emailed C2 twice with no response yet. I have had to manually stop autotrading on two systems as the positions went from winners to losers because the systems already closed their positions, but I was still in them and wasn’t permitted to place any stop/targets.

Please advise ASAP Matthew.

Francis and I are looking into this. Hopefully I will have more info shortly. - Matthew

thanks matthew

I’m having the same error “Recent broker reject reason: MaxQty=0” message with the EUR 30 system. It was the support folks at OEC who pointed me to this thread on C2. I hope this gets resolved soon.[LINKSYSTEM_57938439]

The rejects are coming from OEC. We are awaiting their response.

I missed 2 two trades yesterday, one of which was a huge winner. We need to get this fixed now!!!

Looks like the problem might be fixed, noticed that I got into the end of the trade last night.

I also missed out on a big winner :frowning:

Man! Talk about BAD luck. When there is string of winning and C2 has problem and we missed all those. Now it’s all fixed and we have loosing streak!!!. I wished it’s the other way around.
