OpenECry FX PositionSync Warning for account

Anyone seen this problem? I’ve been set up with Autotrade for Forex Special into my OEC account since last week. The first trade that was executed which I should have been in on didn’t execute, and I got this warning. Today, I got it again, missing my third potential trade:

Forex Special traded 20,000 units (2 minilots). I have a full-lot account, and my autotrading is scaled to 50%, so that I end up trading 100,000 units (1 full lot).


Dear John Smith,

This is an automated message from Trade Integration LLC in regards to your AutoTraded account at Open E Cry.

Our AutoTrade technology attempts to place trades in your brokerage account Xxxxxx to match the trading systems to which you’ve subscribed. We call this ‘AutoSync Technology’.

There are cases, however, in which we will make several attempts to place a trade in your account, but will have that particular trade rejected a few times by the broker or exchange.

This recently happened when we attempted to place a trade in your Open E Cry account for the symbol EUR/USD, in order to match the trading system called Forex Special.

Therefore, as a safety precaution, we will stop trying to match the position in EUR/USD currently open in Forex Special for 30 minutes or until Forex Special closes its position in EUR/USD, whichever happens sooner. After either of these conditions are met, we will automatically start to match all trades in EUR/USD by Forex Special.

Please note: This message only applies to the symbol EUR/USD, and only for the trading system Forex Special. AutoTrading is still operating, and you may continue to AutoTrade the system Forex Special in general. However, we won’t immediately attempt to sync its position in symbol EUR/USD.

Recent broker reject reason: Invalid Order values in Quantity


We don’t support full lot accounts which is why you are getting ‘invalid quantity’ rejects. Please contact OEC and have them convert your account to minilots.