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before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
It’s strange for me that I haven’t found anywhere the number of subscribers each strategy has. I think showing this number makes it easier for potential subscribers to subscribe the system.
Is this really not available or is it only me that I don’t find it?
If this being the case, am i right in thinking the number 1 ranked trader (NQ Positional) has only 29 paying subscribers (AUM 29)?
I’m sure like yourselves i get a weekly ‘Trading strategy of the week’ email showing Strategy managers often with 200+ ‘followers’. I took this to be subscribers, are these followers simply ‘started simulation’?
This is a typical email, see image attached, the trader has 350 or so followers. On the stats page he has AUM 15. So is collective2 suggesting the remaining followers are a mixture of ‘subscribed non auto’, free trials? Or does this include ‘started simulation’ as well?
Yes, that is correct. That is my strategy and while I wish I had 350 subscribers, most of those are simulations. Subscriber base is still relatively small.
In the stats the number of autotraders is given. The numbers of subs should be almost the same as the number of autotraders. I don’t think most people would pay a sub fee for a system and then not autotrade it.
Is that even for expensive strategies that trade frequently and throughout the day (not just end of day / beginning of day) that people subscribe but don’t autotrade?