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Anybody else experience a delayed or suspended strategy performance chart. I’ve brought it to the C2 team, but it still keeps happening. Thought this would update every few hours. But now, it’s kind of all over the place, last update is yesterday.
Just wondering if it’s just TOS people? or everybody else notice this pattern?
below is my current page, it’s been over 1 day with no updates on the performance chart
funny thing is, the invite to strategy page has always been consistent. always updates on timely basis. if i were them, just plug the code from that to the strategy page. done…lol
well looks like they updated my strategy page. sigh, don’t know if its a fix or just an update on the go. Will keep and eye and update this thread next time this keeps happening. i urge everyone to do the same
There is a big problem with slow updates: if a C2 system suddenly experiences a catastrophic drawdown, the users and potential subscribers will not be able to see it right away on the chart.
In other words, an investor could hit the subscribe button and find out days later that the system was already in a 50% drawdown or more.
The chart updating was (still) broken because of a caching problem. But, this is now fixed as of 13:50 ET today, and you should see the charts get updated shortly.
Stats and performance updates do indeed happen at least every few hours, and are prioritized intelligently.