Subscription pricing

Is this possible?

Can a vendor increase or decrease thier subscription price?

This would great for marketing and testing purposes.


You can change it however you like. If you already have subscribers, the change takes 7 days to take effect (I think).

Most popular price point is $100-200 per month. This also is consistent with other signal selling services.

If your system is really good, people will sign up, almost at any cost. If it is bad, no one will sign up, even if you give it away.

How do you change the subscription pricing?

Just edit your system details…same place you change your description, etc.

I apologize for such a newbie question but I can not see where to change my system discription or pricing. Could you be more exact on where I can find this. I apolgize for such a simple question.

Go to system details page and under Admin tab (in the new improved Beta site), edit system details menu item…Should be the same for the old site also…