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I am looking for systems that can be traded without autotrade (checking e-mails every hour or so, i.e. not reacting / placing orders immediately.) I.e. systems that send out signals outside of RTH or send out limit/stop orders and not market orders.
Preferably with at least 1 year track record. [I do my own system evaluation for P/L, DD and margin requirements.]
As an example: I am a happy subscriber to Carma (stocks.) Anything similar to ES or other futures? Options? (I don’t want to trade VIX till IB reduces back the margin to acceptable levels.)
Anybody with similar needs? With ideas / experience?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Background: my private opinion (I am not affiliated with C2 and I don’t have inside info) that during the next few months autotrade will become unusable for me (YMMV.) In less than a year C2 introduced 3 extremely disruptive policy changes to it (limit scale to 500%, accept autotrade only in dedicated account, increase price by 300%.) Their next move may be the last straw for me as far as autotrading is concerned. Hopefully they will keep the e-mail option alive for a while longer.
Our Demirela Swing Trader system can be easily traded without autotrade and sends out signals before market opens. Orders are entered as limit/stop orders and most of the time you will not need to enter any orders during regular trading hours. The system aims to achieve capital growth while maintaining low drawdown and volatility. It has 0.28 correlation to SP500 and sharpe ratio of 3.1 (as of 9/26/2017). Please check out system description for further details and let us know if you have any questions.
I would think any model that has long(ish) holding times and strong average profit margins on liquid products would work as it shouldn’t be very sensitive to exact entry/exit times. It’s the ones that are running on razor thin margins with very short time horizons that would be a problem, but I would argue those might even be a problem on autotrading anyway due to slippage potential, delays in execution, natural fragility, etc.
I created ETF Capital Builder 21 months ago specifically for subscribers who would like to manually trade it and not incur the monthly auto trading charges. Also, since it does not use any leverage, it can be traded in any type of account, including retirement accounts.
It currently has an annualized return of over 21% with only a 9.1% maximum draw down, Sharpe ratio of 2.0, and Profit Factor of 14.3.
I issue signals either prior to the market open or close to the market close with plenty of time to manually trade it.
If you or anyone else on C2 is interested in ETF Capital Builder, I just created a 25% off discount coupon for 3 months. So you can subscribe for just $59 a month, instead of the normal $79 monthly price. After 3 billing cycles, the price would go back up to the regular $79 monthly cost. The coupon code to use is UGDB97898
Very easy to follow.
Trend following. 3-5 entries per month, with stops in place at time of entry.
Read my description of the system for more info.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send PM.
My system trades inverse volatility ETFs so you might not consider it at the moment because of your personal preference but it´s suitable for e-mail following.
I issue entry, stops, regular exit for the coming trading week on every Friday after market close so that´s as easy to follow as it can get.
By the way, I´m trading that system myself at IB and I don´t have any issues with the latest margin increase.
I agree with jozsika. I plan to look for only systems that can manually be traded. I am letting my autotrade plan expire tomorrow, or at least I hope so. I have auto-renewal set to off and am hoping that a C2 glitch does not charge me for another month. Since I am at work during regular trading hours, I would like to see a system that posted signals for trades the previous evening. Thanks
Excerpt from C2 strategy description:
ANTARES SP500 is a fully mechanical strategy operating End-Of-Day on Mini-SP500 Futures.
It is composed of five different long/short strategies:
Strategy operates long/short with limit and market orders ;
Orders for next trading day (if generated) are sent to subscribers around 17:30 ET (23:30 CET).
Orders are valid from next day Globex Future market open (18:00ET/00:00 CET) until the end of next day trading session (17:00 ET, 23:00 CET). Stops and price targets are always given the day after trade is initiated.
So all trade information is sent out in the evening if generated for the next day? No signals are given out during regular trading hours? The stops and price targets are also given out in the evening?
stop and targets are given out the day after the entry but new strategy version coming out in October or max November will have stops/targets placement right after entries.
Thank you.