Good luck to you. Keep it up.
If I were to pick 1 high risk system out here, it would be
The opinions expressed in these forums do not represent those of C2, and any discussion of profit/loss is not indicative of future performance or success. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. You should read, understand, and consider the Risk Disclosure Statement that is provided by your broker before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
Good luck to you. Keep it up.
If I were to pick 1 high risk system out here, it would be
So, you are saying, you are ok with DD 111%? . July 22, 2016 and hold until April 2017 for trade GBP/NZD
I just want to clarify, he will have several open positions at the same time, usually between 2-4 different positions. His style, he uses from big size and average to smaller size if the positions against him ( it is quite opposite from regular trader).
If his position has big DD, he typically doesn’t answer your questions and he can hold big DD for months. In average, his winning amount in dollar is smaller than his DD. He doesn’t mind to risk $ 1000 in order to gain $10.
May be for you Thanos, you are comfortable to have open high DD for several months, but I am not comfortable. Do not forget, if you are using IB, good luck, IB may liquidate your positions because of margin , as you can see , his DD was above 90%.
Btw, he doesn’t use IB broker n his broker is not compatible with C2, therefore, good luck, you are not at the same boat like him.
Just wishing the man luck in staying solvent. That’s all.
That’s why none of these strategy is TOS. When a trade this size go against u, at 60% draw down is already a 15% margin call. By the time u are at 75% draw down your original position is down to 30% size. It pretty much end any chance of making a come back. But on c2 you can have a drawdown of 120%, no margin call c2 let you just ride it out and keep paying the fee.
I had 2 large drawdown on a TOS system I sub to. First time was 35% draw down, he hedge the losing positions with option. So there wasn’t a margin call. By lower future exposure risk, IB didn’t increase margin when the trade keep going lower.
2nd large drawdown he had he just closed every position and started over. In my opinion that is the only 2 option you have when dealing with a large draw down. Hedge to stop farther losses or bite the bullet and take the loss. In a real brokerage account you can’t just keep double down and add to losing positions after a 30-40%+ draw down. Because your broker will raise your margin requirement on that security due to IV spike.
Of course we can all hope we don’t get a large drawdown.
Just for information, mail received from Proxy:
I originally told my initial 10 subscribers that I would only be accepting just as many, but I decided to give it 15 and I’m going to cap it at that for now. With that I want to welcome everyone aboard and get right to explaining how much I plan to charge for the system.
For every payable period, I will be charging 38% of the system’s profits for the previous period, up to C2’s maximum subscription fee of $2,000. For example, if the system generates $3,000 for February, I will charge $1140 in March. For this first pay period, the first 10 subscribers will be billed based on trades that were opened after February 5th, and closed by March 6th. The last 5 subscribers will receive a coupon for the trades they have missed in February. After that, all subscription fees will be congruent based on gains from the 6th of the current month, to the 6th of the following month. If you do not believe you will be able to afford the subscription fee, it would be kind to unsub scribe so others may have a chance.
Also, it is highly recommended you autotrade the system. I do not believe you will be able to follow what I am doing, and since the fee is based on performance, it is important you are able to enter every trade.
Based on current performance, with subscription fees included, if you are able to scale to the system at 1:1, you should make around $50,000 dollars in the next twelve months. If you are scaled any higher, you obviously stand to make a very decent living with this system.
To reinforce your confidence, please give me the ticker of any instrument you are interested and I will give you an analysis based on this system and possible entry and exit points. This system works across all tradable instruments.
Few FAQ’s for the newcomers:
“Do you have a stop loss?” I do not need one. There are many aspects of this system that turn certain widely-accepted practices and paradigms on their head. There i s a planned exit strategy for every trade which will be faithfully executed. Some of the initial entries to certain trades will be exited at a loss, but the average price is always better than the exit price. If you look at the trade record, you will find several trades, usually with more than 6 contracts, which may take a while to work out. They WILL work out. If one of these trades happens to occur – which they will – do NOT unsubscribe in the middle of the trade.
“Is is mechanical?” Yes. There is no judgment or discretion.
“Do you trade it?” Yes. I will have it Trades-Own-System certified within the next month.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks again,
The hubris is astounding. This will be one to watch. Cue popcorn…
Will it be free the next month when he has a negative month?
Yeah - will he return the fees if he has a losing month? lol.
I see that he wants to charge based on performance. He does have kahunas! lol…
No different than hedge fund managers, except probably worse, in that he is charging immediately for gains, whereas at least HF managers wait until year end performance is done.
No high water mark of course, so he can make $3k one month and charge you $1140, then lose say $5k the next month, then make $3k the next month and charge you another $1140, then lose another say $5k, etc.
No matter what he wins 100%
LOL…yup and thus the name of the strategy makes sense!
Not to mention a performance fee of 38% is up there with the likes of Renaissance Technologies…