Another one bites the dust - TheEverhum

I don’t know if you all remember this one, but maybe a year ago the developer for this strategy was touting it here. He’s changed the name of the strategy a couple of times and I don’t remember what it was called originally. There was a thread on this forum where he introduced some pricing scheme that involved subs paying him a percentage of the monthly profits, when there were profits. He claimed he could have a perfect 100% win rate and anyone who thought the strategy was a Martingley time bomb was just a buffoon (I don’t think I ever saw that much arrogance on the C2 forums from a developer).

Here it is now, in all its glory, busted:

Of course the name had to be that

I’ll take possibility 1 - you got lucky. No longer a ‘possibility’, but a fact.

Thanks for playing at the C2 casino. Hope no one lost real money with this (though sadly I doubt that’s the case). 95% win rates mean nothing when you martingale. When will people learn… :roll_eyes:

Probably seen worse here, but he’s up there. Usually they are in broken English and sound like “no stop loss problems, you see invest we good all the way. This trading so easy my system”

@FarhanSaadiq, you got it! I even made comments about it…lol. Great followup!

I’ve been active on here for a little over a year and between this, A Strategy for YM, and Jonathan Kinlay’s systems (just 3 examples I had personal experience with) I’m really feeling that this C2 ocean is infested with sharks. Must be quite a feeling to watch 100% of an investment evaporate in a month or two. Invest at own risk…

@PhilD1, don’t let the over leveraged systems scare you. The problem is that most people like to subscribe to strategies that offer 100% yearly returns or more. In reality, such returns cannot be made yearly without risks. Too many strategies in C2 offer such risks to lure the unsuspecting subs.

The ones like ‘A Strategy for YM’ is overly leveraged and will always end up with a blown account. Its a ticking time bomb.

Strategies should not be constantly adding to positions without knowing the risks.

With an account size of 150k there should never be overnite exposure of more than 5 contracts. Ideally it should even be less than 5 contracts for overnite exposure.

Why isn’t strategies like ‘COREX’ ever popular? Because the returns are 20% yearly? lol…Such is an example of greed.

It is, but the peaceful whales that can actually do well are typically quiet on the forums about their systems. Alot of them also don’t increase their system leverage with more capital, so their % returns look low over time.