Back to Own Personal Trading next week. *Shutting Down Odds Maker*

Having a system on C2 is a business guys, believe it or not and you have to treat it that way. You can´t expect to start a restaurant and be millionaire after a month either but apparently you lost touch with reality when it comes to trading and signal providing.

From my interactions with subscribers I have to say I´m amazed how GRATEFUL and FRIENDLY they are!
But first you have to earn that respect. Btw with threads like this you´re achieving the opposite.

Welcome to the real world - now build your track record like everyone else does…


I think people are angry at seeing all these systems belly-up and true performers in the long run, like you, I, people who have track records or in my case building one on C2 but not new at all to accounting trades in my own trader lifestyle get the shit end of the deal, @Aaa123. Volatility traders historically do better with subscribers than us “Grannie” traders who trade methodically and well with sound mind and reasoning! Unfortunately, greed rules over common sense here too often even though I have fought for better regulations on this site to police the bonzana b*llshit that goes on (or even self police it better!). People don’t have to lose this money, they really don’t. THEY CAN succeed here, but the lack of filtration brings people like ConServ, Alpha Omega, Blue Trader, and countless others I don’t or are not even aware yet to this site and they bring it down for the rest of us. People lose money to a “Sure” thing or what appears to be a “Sure” thing all the damn time. Yet these assholes gets all the subscribers and then lose their subscriber’s money. Rinse n’ Repeat!

I think your analogy is wrong.
There is no restaurant that is supposed to gave all customers free and the owner is still advised to be happy with it.
Besides, you treat your subscribers good and your strategy lose money, you get none subscribers.
So it’s your performance that matters, not how you treat subscribers matters.

Odds maker FX trades are mostly winning trades and no big losers there (main losers are ES trades). This system would do better sticking to FX only.

I respect your point but from my perspective…

So @MaxTor, if it stays to FX, will you subscribe and pay with a winning track record?

Actually, performance doesn’t matter because I see so many great performers here aside from the “Bread & Butters” you see on the top of the leaderboards and they have no subscribers. Is >60% not good enough with a growing model account value month-to-month??

I don’t get it… I say, fraudulence and greed rules all at the end of the day. Delusions of grandeur, not actual performance results.

*The only few who do not get this treatment are : Mario Randolm (A True Steward of the Game), MCPTrader, and a few other of those deserving leaders you see… However, they also probably had jobs and side income for those 3+ years it took them to build the record! No one started trusting them off the bat on C2, however, I am not here for instant trust, I am here out of frustration for all those who lost miserably as I did in those recent “One Hit Wonder” systems going belly up lately.

If you want subscribers, then just show good trading at least for three months. You’ll get them.
Why somebody should pay you after 2 weeks of indistinct trading?

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They autotraded it because they’ve tried to catch the good trend for free trial week. :slight_smile:
How can you trust a person with 2-3 weeks track record? Would you trust your money to trader with 2-3 weeks track record?

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You got it wrong.
I am not talking to subscribers to ask them not to unsubscribe.
I am talking to developers to suggest them not to offer free trial.
What you have said are all reasons for developers not to offer free trial.

Besides I have seen strategy with less than 3 month records which got 50+ paid subscribers( the strategy did not offer free trial at that time).

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There is almost no good fx only system on c2 So if your system did well for a few months (stable returns with low DD), I and other subs would definitely consider subscribing, especially with a lower fee (around $50).

Though this talk about trading under the influence of medical drugs does not really inspire confidence. Also if the trader comes and rants on C2 forums, that also is a worrying sign. It shows the trader is getting too emotional, which is a recipe for disaster in trading.

Also, besides the dangerous systems you refer to, there are some very good systems here like XLN trading. XLN has a max DD of only aound 8.5 % in over 4 years of trading! There are just not any really good fx systems.

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Sounds like you are another hater. Everything was STANDARD operation one week ago no choice BUT to recover on anti-biotic for a required surgery, hater. The reason I ask about you subscribing is because I see a trend with you, and a lot of the free riders on the site. Everything you want is your way for free, or cheap. Well, how did that end up with ConservProfit?

(The holy grail of Forex for a whole 5 months)

What about profits of $100-$300 maybe a couple $60’s and $70’s peppered in from a system with passion for NOT letting draw downs happen. Isn’t that a real trading system? Not this bullshit: Hold for MASSIVE heart attacks, I mean draw downs, HOPE it turns around, PRAY you make a profit, and RETURN $30 after risking $300 in draw down to get there? GET A JOB! No one pays better than McDonalds when you have NO RISK at that $7 an hour minimum wage. I hate to risk losing a future subscriber here, but don’t need ya! You are apart of the problem not the #SOLUTION.

Oh my. Thread closed.