Bug in "suggested systems" block


i’ve got a problem with the suggested systems block… see the screenshot…

it shows test systems as well, but when you click on it, it tells you, they are nonpublic…


can you prevent test systems to show up in that block?



ups… wrong link… :slight_smile:


there we go

anyone working on that? or is this "works as designed"?

It’s on the fix list but isn’t super-high priority. We’ll try to get to it soon.

it is surely low priority… it’s just i wasnt aware you’ve seen it… no worries :wink:

Matthew, the open profits on the following system: EOD Stock Picks - V Large Market Cap are incorrrect. They are showing as a large relative loss when in reality the system has had an open profit for the last 4 weeks.

I do not understand from your message specifically what you think is incorrect. When I look at the system page, everything looks right. Please be very specific about what you think is wrong.

It now appears to be correct so igore my previous post. Thanks.