Collective 2 Spam

Did anybody else get spam today from C2? Mathew I don’t want to be spammed by C2. I know I can auto trade. I don’t need email advising me to do so.

Richard: I run a freaking business. It’s not spam. When you signed up for an account, you specified your email preferences. If you don’t like it, you can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link. Simple.

Then go to ‘edit my account’ and edit your ‘email preferences’.

I must admit that I perceived it as spam too. I agree that it is not spam in the formal sense, but the content was pretty useless… The e-mail informed me about the existence of C2 and the possibility of autotrading as if I have never heard of it.

I think that such mails will be received differently if it is clear that they tell something new to at least some of us, e.g. bring new features under attention, explain an old feature (like the green or grey bullets under Recent looks), discuss future developements, list new systems, etc.

Fair point, Jules. The email was really an attempt to reach out to old users who had not been around for a while.

In the future I’ll send different emails to regular/recent users and to long-lost users.


Thanks Jules. Not sure why I got the Freaking response.

I think you got that response because you called it "spam". That is quite negative. Probably you used the word in the meaning of "useless bulk mail", but for a company with an anti-spam policy it means "mail without consent".

…and because it was a totally disproportionate response to a simple email from someone you know and trust.

I’m guessing you were losing money that day and subconciously had to take it out on something/someone.

As I tried to explain, he probably used a more intuitive and less negative concept of "spam". Once you perceive it it as spam, the fact that this came from a known an trusted party only makes it worse because it violates the high expectations. In this perspective the initial post was not "totally disproportionate", but "less thoughtful". Again, I understand Matthews reaction too. It is a simple case of miscommunication and it is resolved now.

MK spends many hours here answering questions. I think I can put up with a few emails and site advertising.

Send more!!!


Allow me to tell you about a penis-enlargement pill I am currently offering for a special price to members of the C2 community…

Penis enlargement and wallet enlargement on the one website. Everything a man needs. I think you might be on to something :wink:

I can’t afford the enlargment. Still looking for a girlfriend with small hands.


Allow me to tell you about a penis-enlargement pill I am currently offering for a special price to members of the C2 community…

I think it’s bad marketing move, because C2’s system vendors already have enlarged super ego. Who cares about penis? :wink:

I can’t afford the enlargment. Still looking for a girlfriend with small hands.

(Sigh) You never had a wife. :wink:

More seriously.

I didn’t consider latest emailing from C2 as a spam, because I choose an option to have newsletters from C2.

However, I would agree with Jules Ellis that C2 missed marketing opportunities by not informing C2’s customers about improvement of the site. It’ll be nice to have monthly newsletter that gives an info about improvements, new futures, hardware upgrades, current development and so on. Instead of blind believing that 30% cut from C2 fees is appropriately spend.

Otherwise, it’s kind of black box. Sometimes I see new futures and implementations and I can say only “Way! It’s coll”, but there aren’t any official information about that except sporadically forum messages :frowning:

Personally, I’d like to see information about C2’s improvement/new futures more organized.


Thank You. I may not agree with the all the content of all the e-mail I may receive, but I do appreciate your sincere efforts to reach out to all users and your efforts to keep C2 going. Please continue.

I do find it annoying that some unregistered users are leaving spam in my private message box at C2. I brush it aside without even reading it, but nevertheless it is annoying…


Edit my account->Your email preferences->Unmask "Receive our weekly email newsletter"

2(!) clicks.
