Gain Capital AutoTrade now available

I’m please to announce that Gain Capital is the latest C2 Compatible broker. Gain uses our new Gen3 AutoTrade technology, which means you can add your own stop losses and profit targets to whatever your trading systems specify, can increase and decrease position sizes initiated by a trading system, and can exit positions early.

Gain offers a free simulated demo account to anyone who wants to practice AutoTrading with imaginary money. (Note that currently only the demo accounts are operational; we intend to turn live accounts on shortly, about a week or so from now.)

You can set up your Gain Capital demo account, for free, by clicking the SETUP AUTOTRADING link on the left-side menu bar, and by following the instructions there.

tried to add an autotrade system, but got an error when it looked up my demo account details

It would help me tremendously if you could be more specific. What specifically did you try to do? What error was presented to you, on what screen?

went to "set up autotrading" AFTER opening demo account with gain capital and then subscribing to team aphid bird free version, step 1 and 2 went fine, then clicked "here" so it attempted to look up my Gain demo account info for step 3, but wasnt able to so I manually selected gain demo from the drop-down list in step 3, but then it gave me the message "service not available for the subscription u selected" or something to that effect.

Ahh. Well, the issue here is that Gain won’t be supporting “Free AutoTrade Subscriptions” until next week. But they will support this program pretty soon. (I’ll announce here when they do.)

Sorry for the confusion.

Oh OK, thanks.

Good work Matthew, great to see continual evolution and improvement here.


could you say which supported brokers are currently Gen 2, Gen 3??

All info is listed in the OVERVIEW link, under the AUTOTRADING section of the left-side menu bar.

Subject: Gain Capital AutoTrade now available

I noticed that only the Gain Capital-Demo option is available in the autotrade setup section of the C2 website. Is live auto-trading available yet for Gain? Thanks…

I just deposited more funds in my Gain Capital FX account and was trying to sign up for autotrade when I discovered that live trading may not be supported yet.

What is the latest?



We’re ready to go but they first need to sign our software agreement. They have a formal process involving multiple departments and it’s just taking a while. As soon as they do we will turn on live autotrading.