Google ads

Hi – What is the status of the Google ads program with C2? Thanks

We do not yet have any scheduled date to reintroduce the Google Comarketing Program. We might do so in the future, but other development efforts have a higher priority right now. Wish I had better news, but that is the state of things.

Hi Matthew,

We are currently doing Google advertising (as well as a Yahoo! Group) for our affiliate site, that currently features our (2) trading systems - NQ Timer & [LINKSYSTEM_55057807] - as well as the following…

Shorting Options

Trend Trading

Stock Opportunities

Futures Trader Daily

The Key of Forex

RD30 Day Trading

ETF Global Investor

ES Oscillation

zFutures (Diversified) Adamah Cap


Perhaps the general populace considers that these track records are too short, since traffic is limited and contact requests are thus far in about one month, zero. Honestly, we aren’t yet spending on ads that much.

Which brings me to advertising done specifically for our one-trading-site url’s for our personal (2) systems - which begs the question. Do clicked-thru views via Google to the one-trading-site url’s translate to system views, or not. If not, can and/or should this be implemented?

QQQ Timing Investors