Growth 500 is disappear

Reviews are mainly meaningless. Doesn’t matter if and how C2 allows them. Reviews just state current system behavior which is evident from the equity or trades info.

Play it safe, don’t put more then 10% of your portfolio in any one system.

You are absolutely correct, you need to know what model, risk profile, instruments n trading styles that you blend. Can not have to many volatility models in the portfolio. What models do you use that compatible with ur risk profile? Just Pm me, this one will different from the original discussion

he is trading Antares SP500; Don´t Worry; Dual Leverage; RedCrest SP500; Simplicity Trading.

Just use the main page search function for “marekj” you will see his real account with 17 created and failed,hidden systems (and number 18 in the making, how bad can one be?). Then there is his babyface troll account which he uses only for the forum to make people look silly and to rant about everything under the sun… On the real account he is following those systems.

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Enough bad or good that I can create them. Enough bad or good that I can follow strategies above. They are private hedge account for myself to hedge leased strategies if needed. When you see any of them public with subscription price, let me know and we can talk about performance. Otherwise set focus on your stuff that you advertise. I do advertise nothing, my hedge strategies don’t exist for you.

I see Alexander that if you have nothing to say, you will say based on assumption, just for sake to say nothing on public forum.

One more thing about these 18 and growing number strategies. I do open them for myself and close them when I feel I don’t need them and number is growing. But even if you do total all of them, P/L is positive. And objective of them was/is just hedge.

I know Alexander, it is above your level, btw, did you ever subscribe to anything or just you are failed developer? If you are smart enough, you will comeback to your strategies and work of them and stop talking without any credibility. But unfortunately you are not.

You need to realize, I’m customer on this forum and you are developer. I’m here risking my money every day, and you are developer without credibility and with big ego and incorrect judgment about yourself how good you are. In my opinion, you are very bad. Anything to say?

You did use this name in my case already twice. Les go to put it in perspective. I’m the troll who never lost a single dollar of subscriber money and never looking for subscriber money, just maybe save some money for few customers by helping them making a right decision.

And who are you?

Someone who lost subscriber money, looking for more subscriber money, and using names to other people. Come with the name for yourself.

@marekj Alright, you really force me to answer so let me give a purpose to your day by responding to you one last time.

First of all I´m not calling you names. I used a semi-official term on you which is forum troll. There is even an article on wikipedia about that term.
And yes, in my honest opinion you´re a forum/internet troll because you intentionally disrupt threads and try to discredit people - especially system developers. It´s not even disrespectful, it´s just the right term to describe you in short.

Next point, you never lost subscribers money - right because you never had any system that was good enough to catch any interest. Though you´re trying really hard with your 17 failed systems, congrats! I don´t give a flying f*** about your excuses like “hedging strategies”. Why would you create system after system if its sole purpose was for hedging, not the track record? Right, there is no reason if it was for hedging.
Losses are an integral part of trading so your point is flawed anyways. Subscribers know the risks associated with trading. Also I´m trading 100% TOS so my trading is real and I lose money alongside my subscribers if things go bad for a while. Ofcourse It´s not my intention to lose anyones money, mine included, but it can happen in the interim. It´s called drawdown, you know? Ultimately subscribers are responsible for their own losses, that´s why I wrote a guide about following signals.

Now your last point is just funny. You try to help subscribers to make the right decisions? You must be kidding me. All you do is telling people how silly they are if they lost money as subscriber. And developers are trolled by you the minute they make a single informational post about their system. You´re not providing value, you try to devalue others.

Unlike you I provide real information to help subscribers like I did in this thread: Follower guide to consistent profits

Get real here, just because you post more often than anyone else doesn´t make you shine.
Now grow up and stop trolling.


I strongly disagree with this. Let me re-phrase: reviews COULD be extremely useful if C2 let real users with real life experience post them!

In addition to C2 stats (and honestly, some of them are quite opaque, misleading and incomplete) it COULD be extremely useful if real subs shared their insight into the systems. Like (actual system actual experience, actual subscription that C2 actually didn’t let me post) “it is true that the average trade length (posted by C2) is X days, but the length of the losing trades can be as long as 10*X. Apparently the system developer games the C2 system to make his stats look better.” This (if I say so myself) COULD have been useful for somebody. YMMV.

Or: “for Forex trades C2 posts wins of individual trades in $ but DD in %. This for Forex is misleading (skewed) by a factor of 50.”

This type of insight comes from actual subs from actual (possibly long) experience and NOT if and when C2 decides to flash a silly dialog that “now you subscribed 2 weeks ago, say something”

To paraphrase:

“Reviews just state current system behavior which is evident from the equity or trades info.”

This doesn’t have to be the case. The published equity and trade info very-very-VERY far from being complete. [In which case the statement COULD be accurate.]

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Right, I always try give people the correct credits they earned. Besides losing money of your subscribers, what other credits I can give you? And my advice, comeback to your systems, work more, is always a good advice.

Let’s go to talk about facts. Have you ever seen my private strategy accessible to other people? Answer is no. You have nothing to talk about, you don’t have a single performance data point, everything what you typing is your wrong doing. We can talk about your strategies, there is many data points. You need to understand, I’m customer by choice, and you are developer. And what you are doing, is making sure that nobody never will give you any money to manage with your strategy.

Yes, Because first the person lost money by making bad decision to giving money to developer (you). And developer (you) is second in chain. And most clients here just see developer (you) to blame, never themselves. Looking in the mirror is the best thing what every client who lost money can do. Sugar coating how bad developer(you) was, it will not help in the future.

It is funny. I clearly helping developer(you) not to receive 100% blame for bad system or developer mistakes. And I’m moving this responsibility to customer (myself). Looks like Alexander likes to blame other fellows developers instead customers (me). And the true is, it is 100% customer fault, he made decision to subscribe to volatile strategy with not enough history based on current markets, he over allocated capital and he did not quit of first bad sign like adding to losing position. Looks like I’m a troll for myself :smile:

Length of the winning and losing trades can be obtained and studied using C2 provided info.

Max DD in %s is also misleading for futures and options as well as for stocks if they are traded using part of the account. I don’t think that reviews will help in this, at least I didn’t see such reviews. But this can be obtained using C2 database.

Could you please look thru the 10-20 latest reviews and point the reviews containing the useful information which can’t be obtained from C2 database?

Here is the link - Collective2

I do calculate a lot of stat using C2 info – there is no other info, right? so this is sort of obvious – but it takes some time and some code.

For w/l trades I am actually calculating not only the average but also the stdev. [For me] this is a very interesting stat. Had I had the chance, I would have published this. If you don’t care, you skip it, of course. Still, I don’t think it would be spam.

“Max DD … can be obtained using C2 database.”

How? This I always wanted to scrape from their DB but couldn’t figure out how. TIA!

“Could you please look thru the 10-20 latest reviews and point the reviews containing the useful information which can’t be obtained from C2 database?”

To some extent this is exactly my point. Not that it can not be obtained from the C2 database – we don’t have anything else – but that we don’t see much useful info. I postulate (based on my personal experience, see above) that we would see some useful info if C2 would let subscribers to post reviews when they have something to say and not based on some random selection.

Again: (just to stay with my example): I can tell you the average margin and its stdev of system X and system Y and (for me) this is interesting --arguably useful-- information. Sure, I derive it from the C2 database but I doubt that you can get these numbers just by looking at the ASCII data instead of scraping it, tabulating it, processing it.

Everybody will appreciate if you can share it on the forum. It is a lot of developers here advertising their systems, but not a lot of subs posts sharing system selection approaches. And you don’t need to wait invitation from C2 to do this. :slight_smile:

I use C2 Dev API, get equity info, than run drawdown calcs (in %s and $s), length of drawdowns, leverage etc.

I would like to agree, but I doubt.

July 10


For w/l trades I am actually calculating not only the average but also the
stdev. [For me] this is a very interesting stat. Had I had the chance, I
would have published this. If you don’t care, you skip it, of course.
Still, I don’t think it would be spam.

Everybody will appreciate if you can share it on the forum. It is a lot of
developers here advertising their systems, but not a lot of subs posts
sharing system selection approaches. And you don’t need to wait invitation
from C2 to do this. [image: :slight_smile:]

Hard to do. I would love to share code (and would love to use code shared
by others.)

Unfortunately the Explorer platform is totally useless and C2 (what a
surprise!) is not listening. No command line args (to share runnable code),
no methods/library (to re-use code) and database access is tightly coupled
with the UI. I don’t believe in posting to the forum “system X winning
trade length stdev is 3.5” I do believe in sharing “plug in system name and
out comes distribution” type methods (and then of course: “plug in anything
and out comes chart” or “plug in timeseries and out comes linear
regression.” I guess I am less smart than C2 engineers so I don’t claim to
have the final answer to anything. I can create small building blocks


“Max DD … can be obtained using C2 database.”
How? This I always wanted to scrape from their DB but couldn’t figure out
how. TIA!

I use C2 Dev API, get equity info, than run drawdown calcs (in %s and $s),
length of drawdowns, leverage etc.

This is not what I (or any broker or any trading system) mean by DD. By DD
I (and everybody else, except C2) mean the DD of an instrument from opening
to close. C2 means by “trade” an order sequence of an instrument, from
when it opens the first order to when the balance is zero again. [I.e. if
you buy / partial sell / buy more / partial sell more / etc it is a single
trade for C2. Obviously this is not for anybody else. Not for margin
calculation, not for DD, not for leverage.

C2 will not change their algos (they tend to know everything better than
anybody else); I have code to “pair up” opening/closing orders but for
these their DD numbers are irrelevant.


I postulate (based on my personal experience, see above) that we would see
some useful info if C2 would let subscribers to post reviews when they have
something to say and not based on some random selection.

I would like to agree, but I doubt.

Sure. So either I am right and if subs are given the opportunity to post
they would post something useful.

Or you are right and they would not (as they don’t post useful now.)

[I told you: I don’t claim to know the answer to most things.]

Either of us is right, one thing we can agree on: the current
system (invitation only reviews) is useless.

I believe C2 servers simply look at our equity curve and then calculate the biggest drop in percentage, no matter how many positions (full or partial) we open and close in the process.

I don’t use it, the language is hard for me. :slight_smile:

Lets set terms. DD for me is a drawdown and it relates to equity mainly, like C2. Intratrade DD can be interesting, but I didn’t go so deep yet. Also I used to live with the “trade” term similar to C2 term. As I remember Interactive Brokers also consider closed trades similar to C2. I’ve tested Amibroker trading software some time ago - same thing. Only here on the forum I met couple people who consider partial buys and sells as separate trades. :slight_smile:

C2 gives access to signals with execution prices in their API. Using this data and equity you can recreate historical leverage = open positions size / equity. Additionally using trades data (it has worst price) you can calculate in-trade drawdown. If you have your own price data feed (say 1 minute data) and trading system development software then you can recreate the system using C2 signals.

But playing with all that staff, I came to conclusion that all of this will not help to predict any system behavior. On my opinion, subs here are like trendfollowers. They don’t know when the particular system will go up and when it will go down. Like trends in the stocks or futures. We can only jump into potential trend, adjust our risks and wait. :slight_smile:

Well said AlexanderG.

Absolutly agree with you!