I don't want to brag. But



To the entire Collective 2 community,

I am here to introduce the strategy Collective 2 has been waiting for. For a long time. Introducing Margin Call. Don’t let the name fool you this strategy is a winner with a chicken dinner.

I’d also like to offer a coupon for anyone interested in trying this strategy. I have included a coupon for one free month. If a free month isn’t incentive enough, I’ll give you more. Anyone that decides to use the coupon and decides to stay after the trial period will get a permanent discount. The asking price will not apply to you. You will pay less than the asking price if you join using the coupon.

The asking price is retail. Who wants to pay retail when you can buy something wholesale? That’s what you get if you use the coupon and stay.

Think about it this way. You’re joining with no risk. You’re not required to trade the strategy while on the coupon. You join for free and if you decide after a month it’s not for you and decide not to continue you lose nothing. $0 gone.

Another way to think about it is you might watch the strategy and decide you want to join but didn’t use the coupon. You’re stuck paying retail for a strategy you want to join. Keep it in your back pocket just in case by using the coupon today.

Now that the sales pitch is out of the way, let me get into the details of the strategy.

It’s really simple. We take a trade with a tight stop loss. Trade works. Cool. Trade doesn’t work. Cool. When the trades do start to work, we will add to that position. When the trades don’t start to work, we will not add to that position. We take the small loss and move on to the next trade.

A signal comes in we take the trade. Then we let the market decide if our stop hits before our take profit or vice versa. There’s also trades that go sideways after we get in. That’s not what I want to see so I’ll get out of those trades before a stop is hit. No point sitting wasting time when we can look for other trades.

How tight are stops? I really don’t want to lose more than a few hundred dollars to find out I’m wrong. If I get in and the trade is down $800 I’m clearly wrong. I’d rather get out with a loss of $250 and look for something else.

For the trades that do work, I will start to add to the trade. I’m starting a trade with 1 or 2 contracts and capping it around 5 contracts.

Stops will also trail the market so we don’t give everything back if we’re in a winning trade.

This is a day trading strategy. No swing trades. No trades held after the close.

One final thing. I’m so confident in this strategy I’m trading it myself. This strategy is a TOS strategy. I share in the profits and losses directly. What’s good for you is good for me. It’s in my best interest to perform.

If I haven’t answered all your questions, reach out to me and I’ll be glad to answer anything.

I’m excited. Ready. Set. Go!

We have no idea what your strategy is.
After all that advertising effort I would recommend putting a link to the system.


Oh sorry I put in the name. Margin Call. I guess you need to know where to join right?

So if this is your pride and joy of a strategy. You better try again… get couple of months under your belt then come talk to us. good lord

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That would be it. Keep in mind @ElevenInHarmony you risk nothing trying it out for free. Should be a win/win for you. You try before you buy. If I’m missing something and there’s risk on your part please let me know. As I understand it there is no risk. You don’t pay to join. You don’t have to take the trades. All those things should benefit you. At least that’s how I see it. I’m open to suggestions if I’m viewing it in a different light and what I propose puts your capital at risk.

BTW thanks for posting the link. Not sure how you did it but thank you!

My Risk would be to invest time evaluating a strategy that is not proven yet. Since time is money. Then joining will actually cost me money. Investors are not interested in what a developer WILL do while charging them $595 on a later date. They are interested in what you ACTUALLY do over time. No disrespect here. Just prove value first then provide the service. I think most reasonable people would agree with that logic


Hope your way will be different compare to previous trading guru with SUPER systems. Give you 6 months max due to tight stops. :slight_smile:


You can’t be THAT busy. You’re reading forum posts. Anyway I understand your point of view. Thanks for the feedback.


6 months max for what? Sorry not clear on the 6 month thing. I don’t concern myself with gurus with SUPER systems. There are plenty of Internet analysts. I just do my own thing without worrying too much about what others are doing or trying to do.

Hopefully you decide to join the winning team!

He’s giving you 6 months because tight stop losses are tough to trade with. You end up like this:

Good luck.

@MarginCall, did you say it was TOS? I don’t see the TOS badge on your system.

I see. I tried to check that system out but it says private. I can’t see any details. Did the trader trade his own money or funny money? It’s easy to swing for the fences with funny money.

Yes @AlgoSystems it says approved for TOS. Where does the badge go?

I’ll check back in 6 months and see how this panned out…

OK @TinyMammal

Thank you!

You need about minimum of 5 trades before the TOS badge shows up.


Thank you @Biks

There you go I’ll get a badge with my next trade.

One last thing before I close up shop. The price of the strategy is really a retail price. If you use the coupon and decide to stay, I will knock hundreds off that price tag. Just throwing out incentive. The monthly price will not be $595 for those that joined using the coupon. Nowhere close.

I hesitate to share this trick because I don’t want anyone to take it away, and you may already know it. When a strategy is private you can still view the graph by using text just like I have it in the screen shot below. Just replace the strategy ID number with the one you want to graph.
This link tells you how to do it https://collective2.com/link-your-strategy-charts


Generally you need about 10-12 trades to be TOS.