Leaderboard & Activity Feed

Have just reviewed the top ten on the Leaderboard and only one has more than 3 subscribers, which is itself currently in serious meltdown, the latest review being one star; which begs the question what is the point of the Leaderboard in the first place, if it is not attracting paying subs in the top slots?

How about, as other brokers use, a leaderboard based on subs per system or number of investors per system - money always follows performance!

Also on the Acitivity Feed it advises that new clients have subscribed to a system, when in fact they have only, in most cases, started a SIM account…somehwat misleading wouldn’t you agree?

They do say “started simulation” or “subscribed”($$) which is the difference for the SIM account.

I think the problem with just basing leaderboard ranking on subs is that it would promote herd mentality into high flying systems with short track records.

As for the leaderboard itself, I don’t find it particularly useful. But it is a way for C2 to add revenue - by allowing systems to pay for being a “featured” strategy. The grid is a much better place to find systems IMO.

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Added to this, base the leaderboard on popularity and you’ll rarely see the most subscribed algorithms at the top. Algorithms that used to feature around 150 subscribers have dropped out of the leaderboard on multiple occasions, with newly featured algorithms with 0 subs and marginally profiting algorithms taking the leaderboard. I agree, there is 0 reason to use the leaderboard as an indication to how good an algorithm is or how popular. On the other hand, I do like an option in the grid to see the actual amount of sims and subscribers :slight_smile:

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I’d recommend going to the Grid to find opportunities.
Filter by:

  • minimum strategy age of 500
  • minimum annual return of 40%

I like to sort by stocks so you can get rid of FX, Futures, and options strategies that often seem to be martingale systems.

Those criteria narrow down to a handful of good strategies. Adjust further as necessary to meet your needs.

Don’t join a strategy just because it has a bunch of subs.