Matthew, please have a look at this comment on my system.
Made by Donna Kapok,
"Yet another master of over leveraging, 10 to 20 standard lots on each trade, on a 100K account when he get just 5 losses in a row there goes 50% of your account. Hint go look at RT North FX and learn about proper leverage, or you can even take a look at SuperchargedFX maybe all over-leveraging system clean learn from these two systems, people are here for the long run . Just look what happen to Greed is Good ,just like this sytem, crashed and burned."
The comment is asking me to look and Learn!!! from a 4 weeks old system, with 90 views only! SuperchargedFX
Dona Kapok has also made a comment on superchargedFX
"This system has all the makings of a great system , lets see it at the end of the month, but got to love the low draw down, LOVE the system description, puts a light on all system here in C2"
That Comment on superchargedFX was added when the system was only 2 weeks old.
Dona Kapok is abviously the Owner of superchargedFX, Such an idiot !!
Please remove that comment from my system.
And would be much fair if you bann supercharged from C2, A very dishonest Vendor. C2 reputition will be affected by such people. Unless Matthew wouldnt mind.
Hi NB,
My name is Louis from seat of pants 1.
Donna made similar remarks about my system, but I happen to agree with her and have tried to alter the parameters of my system to fall in with her comments.
I know that if people invest on Forex they undestand that it is a risky undertaking, but the returns can be high - also that to achieve high returns one has to enter areas of risk that can be unacceptable to people investing on other securities.
Personally I respect what Donna had to say, and it may lead to beiong able to trade Forex within acceptable levels of risk - says I trying to reach the Grandma’s list
You know what, never mind, This vendor abviously doesnt make money out of Forex, and is disperate for scamming people here on C2.
Just give it some time, and his/her system shall join the 99% of systems on C2.